# NAME Net::Stripe::Simple - simple, non-Moose interface to the Stripe API # SYNOPSIS use Net::Stripe::Simple; my $stripe = Net::Stripe::Simple->new('sk_test_00000000000000000000000000'); # when the only argument is an id, that's all you need my $c1 = $stripe->customers( retrieve => 'cus_meFAKEfakeFAKE' ); # you can provide arguments as a hash reference my $c2 = $stripe->customers( retrieve => { id => 'cus_ImFAKEfakeFAKE' } ); # or as key-value list my $c3 = $stripe->customers( 'retrieve', id => 'cus_I2FAKEfakeFAKE', expand => 1 ); # DESCRIPTION A lightweight, limited-dependency client to the stripe.com API. This is just a thin wrapper around stripe's RESTful API. It is "simple" in the sense that it is simple to write and maintain and it maps simply onto Stripe's web documentation, so it is simple to use. When you get a response back, it's just the raw JSON blessed with some convenience methods: stringification to ids and autoloaded attributes ([Net::Stripe::Simple::Data](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple%3A%3AData)). If there is an error, the error that is thrown is again just Stripe's JSON with a little blessing ([Net::Stripe::Simple::Error](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple%3A%3AError)). This simplicity comes at a cost: [Net::Stripe::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple) does not validate your parameters aside from those required to construct the URL before constructing a request and sending it off to Stripe. This means that if you've done it wrong it takes a round trip to find out. For the full details of stripe's API, see [https://stripe.com/docs/api](https://stripe.com/docs/api). ## Method Invocation Following the organization scheme of Stripe's API, actions are grouped by entity type, each entity corresponding to a method. For a given method there are generally a number of actions, which are treated as the primary key in a parameter hash. Parameters for these actions are provided by a parameter hash which is the value of the primary key. However, there is some flexibility. Methods that require only an id are flexible. All the following will work: $stripe->plans( retrieve => { id => $id } ); $stripe->plans( 'retrieve', id => $id ); $stripe->plans( retrieve => $id ); Methods that require no arguments are also flexible: $stripe->plans( list => { } ); $stripe->plans('list'); ## Export Tags [Net::Stripe::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple) exports nothing by default. It has four exportable constants and one exportable function: - true - false - null - data\_object To facilitate their export, it has two tags: - :const The three constants. - :all The three constants plus `data_object`. # NAME Net::Stripe::Simple - simple, non-Moose interface to the Stripe API # METHODS ## new Net::Stripe::Simple->('sk_test_00000000000000000000000000', '2014-01-31') The class constructor method. The API key is required. The version date is optional. If not supplied, the value of `$Net::Stripe::Simple::STRIPE_VERSION` will be supplied. [Net::Stripe::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple) was implemented or has been updated for the following versions: - 2014-01-31 - 2014-06-17 The default version will always be the most recent version whose handling required an update to [Net::Stripe::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple). ## charges See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#charges](https://stripe.com/docs/api#charges). **Available Actions** - create $charge = $stripe->charges( create => { customer => $customer, amount => 100, currency => 'usd', capture => 'false', } ); - retrieve $charge = $stripe->charges( retrieve => $id ); - update $charge = $stripe->charges( update => { id => $charge, description => 'foo', } ); - refund Availability may depend on version of API. $charge = $stripe->charges( refund => $id ); - capture $charge = $stripe->charges( capture => $id ); - list my $charges = $stripe->charges('list'); ## refunds See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#refunds](https://stripe.com/docs/api#refunds). **Available Actions** - create my $refund = $stripe->refunds( create => { id => $charge, amount => 50 } ); - retrieve $refund = $stripe->refunds( retrieve => { id => $refund, charge => $charge } ); - update $refund = $stripe->refunds( update => { id => $refund, charge => $charge, metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - list my $refunds = $stripe->refunds( list => $charge ); ## customers See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#customers](https://stripe.com/docs/api#customers). **Available Actions** - create $customer = $stripe->customers( create => { metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - retrieve $customer = $stripe->customers( retrieve => $id ); - update $customer = $stripe->customers( update => { id => $customer, metadata => { foo => 'baz' } } ); - delete $customer = $stripe->customers( delete => $id ); - list my $customers = $stripe->customers( list => { created => { gte => $time - 100 } } ); ## cards See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#cards](https://stripe.com/docs/api#cards). **Available Actions** - create $card = $stripe->cards( create => { customer => $customer, card => { number => '4242424242424242', exp_month => $expiry->month, exp_year => $expiry->year, cvc => 123 } } ); - retrieve $card = $stripe->cards( retrieve => { customer => $customer, id => $id } ); - update $card = $stripe->cards( update => { customer => $customer, id => $card, name => 'foo', } ); - delete $card = $stripe->cards( delete => { customer => $customer, id => $id } ); - list my $cards = $stripe->cards( list => $customer ); ## subscriptions See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#subscriptions](https://stripe.com/docs/api#subscriptions). **Available Actions** - create $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions( create => { customer => $customer, plan => $plan, } ); - retrieve $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions( retrieve => { id => $id, customer => $customer, } ); - update $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions( update => { id => $id, customer => $customer, metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - cancel $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions( cancel => { id => $id, customer => $customer, } ); - list my $subscriptions = $stripe->subscriptions( list => $customer ); ## plans See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#plans](https://stripe.com/docs/api#plans). **Available Actions** - create $plan = $stripe->plans( create => { id => $id, amount => 100, currency => 'usd', interval => 'week', name => 'Foo', } ); - retrieve $plan = $stripe->plans( retrieve => $id ); - update $plan = $stripe->plans( update => { id => $id, metadata => { bar => 'baz' } } ); - delete $plan = $stripe->plans( delete => $id ); - list my $plans = $stripe->plans('list'); ## coupons **Available Actions** See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#coupons](https://stripe.com/docs/api#coupons). - create $coupon = $stripe->coupons( create => { percent_off => 1, duration => 'forever', } ); - retrieve $coupon = $stripe->coupons( retrieve => $id ); - delete $coupon = $stripe->coupons( delete => $coupon ); - list my $coupons = $stripe->coupons('list'); ## discounts See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#discounts](https://stripe.com/docs/api#discounts). **Available Actions** - customer my $deleted = $stripe->discounts( customer => $c ); - subscription $deleted = $stripe->discounts( subscription => { customer => $c, subscription => $s, } ); ## invoices See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#invoices](https://stripe.com/docs/api#invoices). **Available Actions** - create my $new_invoice = $stripe->invoices( create => { customer => $customer, } ); - retrieve $invoice = $stripe->invoices( retrieve => $id ); - lines my $lines = $stripe->invoices( lines => $invoice ); - update $stripe->subscriptions( update => { customer => $customer, id => $subscription, plan => $spare_plan, } ); - pay $new_invoice = $stripe->invoices( pay => $new_invoice ); - list my $invoices = $stripe->invoices( list => { customer => $customer } ); - upcoming $new_invoice = $stripe->invoices( upcoming => $customer ); ## invoice\_items See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#invoiceitems](https://stripe.com/docs/api#invoiceitems). **Available Actions** - create my $item = $stripe->invoice_items( create => { customer => $customer, amount => 100, currency => 'usd', metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - retrieve $item = $stripe->invoice_items( retrieve => $id ); - update $item = $stripe->invoice_items( update => { id => $item, metadata => { foo => 'baz' } } ); - delete $item = $stripe->invoice_items( delete => $item ); - list my $items = $stripe->invoice_items( list => { customer => $customer } ); ## disputes See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#disputes](https://stripe.com/docs/api#disputes). **Available Actions** - update $stripe->disputes( update => { id => $charge, metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - close $stripe->disputes( close => $charge ); ## transfers See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#transfers](https://stripe.com/docs/api#transfers). **Available Actions** - create my $transfer = $stripe->transfers( create => { amount => 1, currency => 'usd', recipient => $recipient, } ); - retrieve $transfer = $stripe->transfers( retrieve => $id ); - update $transfer = $stripe->transfers( update => { id => $transfer, metadata => { foo => 'bar' } } ); - cancel $transfer = $stripe->transfers( cancel => $transfer ); - list my $transfers = $stripe->transfers( list => { created => { gt => $time } } ); ## recipients See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#recipients](https://stripe.com/docs/api#recipients). **Available Actions** - create $recipient = $stripe->recipients( create => { name => 'I Am An Example', type => 'individual', } ); - retrieve $recipient = $stripe->recipients( retrieve => $id ); - update $recipient = $stripe->recipients( update => { id => $recipient, metadata => { foo => 'bar' }, } ); - delete $recipient = $stripe->recipients( delete => $id ); - list my $recipients = $stripe->recipients('list'); ## application\_fees See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#application\_fees](https://stripe.com/docs/api#application_fees). **Available Actions** - retrieve my $fee = $stripe->application_fees( retrieve => $id ); - refund my $fee = $stripe->application_fees( refund => $id ); - list my $fees = $stripe->application_fees('list'); ## account See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#account](https://stripe.com/docs/api#account). **Available Actions** - retrieve my $account = $stripe->account('retrieve'); # or $account = $stripe->account; ## balance See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#balance](https://stripe.com/docs/api#balance). **Available Actions** - retrieve my $balance = $stripe->balance('retrieve'); - history my $history = $stripe->balance('history'); - transaction $balance = $stripe->balance( transaction => $charge ); ## events See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#events](https://stripe.com/docs/api#events). **Available Actions** - retrieve $event = $stripe->events( retrieve => $id ); - list my $events = $stripe->events( list => { created => { gt => $time } } ); ## tokens See [https://stripe.com/docs/api#tokens](https://stripe.com/docs/api#tokens). **Available Actions** - create $token = $stripe->tokens( create => { card => { number => '4242424242424242', exp_month => $expiry->month, exp_year => $expiry->year, cvc => 123 } } ); $token = $stripe->tokens( create => { bank_account => { country => 'US', routing_number => '110000000', account_number => '000123456789', } } ); - retrieve $token = $stripe->tokens( retrieve => $id ); - bank To preserve the parallel with the Stripe's API documentation, there is a special "bank" action, but it is simply a synonym for the code above. $token = $stripe->tokens( bank => { bank\_account => { country => 'US', routing\_number => '110000000', account\_number => '000123456789', } } ); # FUNCTIONS ## data\_object($hash\_ref) This function recursively converts a hash ref into a data object. This is just [Net::Stripe::Simple::Data](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple%3A%3AData), whose only function is to autoload accessors for all the keys in the hash. It is made for adding magic to JSON objects. If you try to give it something that contains blessed references whose class is outside the JSON namespace it will die. # SEE ALSO [Net::Stripe](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe), [Business::Stripe](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3AStripe) # EXPORTED CONSTANTS These are just the corresponding [JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) constants. They are exported by [Net::Stripe::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3AStripe%3A%3ASimple) for convenience. use Net::Stripe::Simple qw(:const); ... my $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions( update => { id => $id, customer => $customer_id, plan => $plan_id, prorate => true, } ); You can import the constants individually or all together with `:const`. - true - false - null # AUTHORS - Andy Beverley <andy@andybev.com> - Grant Street Group <developers@grantstreet.com> - David F. Houghton <dfhoughton@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Grant Street Group. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. # AUTHORS - Grant Street Group <developers@grantstreet.com> - David F. Houghton <dfhoughton@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Grant Street Group. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.