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"�瑯�瑯�𠺶��"�畜ounceHammer version 4�桐葉�瓲�具�芥�卝�具�押�潦�~�潦�怨圾��僐�U�詻�乓�潦�怒�扼�踺�� Version 4�芥�柴��"��"�卝�匧�卝�整�𨳍�𠺶��(MAI: Mail Analyzing Interface)�鍦鉄����滚�溻�怒�芥�𨳍�整�𨰜�麄�� System requirements | ��蓥�𦦵兛憓� ------------------------------ * [Perl 5.10.1 or later](http://www.perl.org/) Dependencies | 靘嘥�塩�U�詻�乓�潦�� ----------------------------- Sisimai relies on: * [__Class::Accessor::Lite__](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Accessor::Lite) * [__JSON__](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON) Sisimai�臭�𡃏�塩�柴�U�詻�乓�潦�怒�思�嘥�塩�𨰜�艾���整�踺�� Install | �扎�喋�嫘���潦�� ---------------------- % sudo cpanm Sisimai --> Working on Sisimai Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/A/AK/AKXLIX/Sisimai-4.1.20.tar.gz ... OK ... 1 distribution installed % perldoc -l Sisimai /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.0/Sisimai.pm OR % cd /usr/local/src % git clone https://github.com/azumakuniyuki/p5-Sisimai.git % cd ./Sisimai % sudo cpanm . --> Working on . Configuring Sisimai-4.1.20 ... OK 1 distribution installed Basic usage | �抅�𧋦���芯蝙���䲮 ---------------------------- make() method provides feature for getting parsed data from bounced email messages like following. ```perl use Sisimai; my $v = Sisimai->make( '/path/to/mbox' ); # or Path to Maildir if( defined $v ) { for my $e ( @$v ) { print ref $e; # Sisimai::Data print $e->recipient->address; # kijitora@example.jp print $e->reason; # userunknown my $h = $e->damn(); # Convert to HASH reference my $j = $e->dump('json'); # Convert to JSON string print $e->dump('json'); # JSON formatted bounce data } } ``` 銝𡃏�塩�柴�����俟isimai�峻ake()�~�賬���剹�𠍿box�𨳒aildir�娑ATH�鍦�閙㺭�怒�𨰜�血�蠘�䎚�踺�卝�� 閫��鞟�鞉�栶�屸�滚�𨰜�芥�𨰻�~�研�喋�嫘�扯�𢛵���艾�溻�整�踺�� Differences between ver.2 and ver.4 | �鰵�唂�桅�𨰻�� ------------------------------------------------ The followings are the differences between version 2 (bounceHammer 2.7.13) and version 4 (Sisimai). | Features | ver 2.7.13 | Sisimai | |------------------------------------------------|---------------|--------------| | Command line tools | OK | N/A | | Modules for Commercial MTAs | N/A(1) | Included | | WebUI/API | OK | N/A | | Database schema for storing parsed bounce data | Available | N/A(2) | | Analysis accuracy ratio(3) | 0.78 | 1.00 | | Parse 2 or more bounces in a single email | Only 1st rcpt | ALL | | Parse FeedBack Loop Message/ARF format mail | N/A | OK | | Classification based on recipient domain | Available | N/A | | Output format of parsed data | YAML,JSON,CSV | JSON only(4) | | The speed of parsing email(1048 files) | 5.00s | 3.73s | | Easy to install | No | Yes | | Install using cpan or cpanm command | N/A | OK | | Dependencies | 24 modules | 2 modules | | License | GPLv2 or Perl | 2 clause BSD | | Support Contract provided by Developer | Available | Coming soon | 1. bounceHammer-nails 2. Implement yourself with using DBI or any O/R Mapper you like 3. See ./ANALYSIS-ACCURACY 4. YAML format is available if "YAML" module has been installed �祇�衤葉�宴ouncehammer version 2.7.13�肖ersion 4(�瑯�瑯�𠺶��)�臭�贝�塩�柴�����芷�𨰻���䎚���𨳍�整�踺�� | 璈蠘�� | ver 2.7.13 | Sisimai | |------------------------------------------------|---------------|--------------| | �喋�𠺶�喋�剹�押�扎�喋���潦�� | ���� | �~�� | | ���鍂MTA撖曉�𡏭圾��僐�U�詻�乓�潦�� | �~��(���鍂���,1)| ����(璅蹱��) | | WebUI�杗PI | ���� | �~�� | | 閫��鞉���僐�艾�喋�嫘���潦�踴�雴�嘥�塩�踺�𠵿B�嫘�准�潦�� | ���� | �~��(2) | | 閫��鞟移摨艾�桀𠧧���(3) | 0.78 | 1.00 | | 2隞嗡誑銝𨳍�柴�僐�艾�喋�嫘�䎚���卝�~�潦�怒�株圾��� | 1隞嗥𤌍�𨬭�� | �其辣撖曉�� | | FeedBack Loop/ARF敶W�譌�柴�~�潦�怨圾��� | ��𧼮紋敹� | 撖曉�𨀣�� | | 摰𥕦���剹�~�扎�喋�怒���见�憿鮋��𤌍 | ���� | �~�� | | 閫��鞟�鞉�栶�桀枂��𥕦耦撘� | YAML,JSON,CSV | JSON�柴��(4) | | �~�潦�怨圾��僐�桅�笔漲(1048��) | 5.00蝘� | 3.73蝘� | | �扎�喋�嫘���潦�思�𨀣平�𣬚陛��塩�卝�押���� | �����𢒰�� | 蝪∪�塩�扳末 | | cpan�整�麄�畚panm�喋�𠺶�喋�剹�扼�柴�扎�喋�嫘���潦�� | ��𧼮紋敹� | 撖曉�𨀣�� | | 靘嘥�塩�U�詻�乓�潦�急㺭 | 24�U�詻�乓�潦�� | 2�U�詻�乓�潦�� | | �押�扎�颯�喋�� | GPLv2�閪erl | 鈭峕辺��BSD | | ��讠惣隡𡁶冗�怒���卝�萸�腈�潦���𤑳� | ��𣂷�𥕢葉 | 皞硋�嗘葉 | 1. bounceHammer-nails 2. DBI�整�麄�臬末�溻�板RM�雴蝙���西䌊�眏�怠�蠘��𨰜�艾�譌�𨬭�𨰻�� 3. ./ANALYSIS-ACCURACY �鍦��� 4. "YAML"�U�詻�乓�潦�怒���乓���艾���䎚�訑AML�扼�桀枂��䜘���虾�� Commercial MTA Modules | ���鍂MTA�U�詻�乓�潦�� ------------------------------------------ The following commercial MTA modules are included in Sisimai by default. | Sisimai:: | Description | |---------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | MTA::Activehunter | TransWARE Active!hunter | | MTA::Domino | IBM Domino Server | | MTA::Exchange | Microsoft Exchange Server | | MTA::IMailServer | IPSWITCH IMail Server | | MTA::InterScanMSS | Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite | | MTA::MXLogic | McAfee SaaS | | MTA::MailFoundry | MailFoundry | | MTA::MailMarshalSMTP | Trustwave Secure Email Gateway | | MTA::McAfee | McAfee Email Appliance | | MTA::MessagingServer | Oracle Communications Messaging Server | | MTA::Notes | Lotus Notes | | MTA::SurfControl | WebSense SurfControl | | MTA::mFILTER | Digital Arts m-FILTER | | MSP::US::AmazonSES | AmazonSES: http://aws.amazon.com/ses/ | | MSP::US::SendGrid | SendGrid: http://sendgrid.com/ | 銝𡃏�塩�桀��鍂MTA�U�詻�乓�潦�怒�特isimai�急���腈�卝�匧鉄�整�䎚�艾���整�踺�� REPOSITORY | �芥�腈�詻���� ----------------------- [github.com/azumakuniyuki/p5-Sisimai](https://github.com/azumakuniyuki/p5-Sisimai) WEB SITE | �萸�扎�� ----------------- [bounceHammer | an open source software for handling email bounces](http://bouncehammer.jp/) AUTHOR | 雿𡏭�� ------------- [@azumakuniyuki](https://twitter.com/azumakuniyuki) COPYRIGHT | ��𦯀�𨀣貝 ------------------ Copyright (C) 2014-2015 azumakuniyuki <perl.org@azumakuniyuki.org>, All Rights Reserved. LICENSE | �押�扎�颯�喋�� -------------------- This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.