# WWW::EchoNest
Perl modules for accessing The Echo Nest web API. Read more about the Echo Nest at http://the.echonest.com.


#### Prerequisites
 - Working internet connection for running the tests.  
 - Echo Nest API key (go to http://developer.echonest.com).
 - JSON CPAN module (and JSON::XS for speed!) for parsing Echo Nest responses.  

#### Recommended CPAN modules
 - Log::Log4perl if you want to log to a file instead of STDERR.  
 - File::Which if you want to use WWW::EchoNest::Song::identify -- see ECHOPRINT below.  

To install this module, run the following commands:

    $ perl Build.PL  
    $ ./Build  
    $ ./Build test  
    $ ./Build install  

You may see a warning during build:

> Could not read ECHO_NEST_API_KEY env var.  
> Your api key may need to be hardcoded into WWW/EchoNest/Preferences.pm.  

You should be able to ignore this warning during installation with no problems.
The easiest way to let WWW::EchoNest see your EN api key is to
export an environment variable called ECHO_NEST_API_KEY whose value is your api key.
You can also call the 'set_api_key' convenience function of WWW::EchoNest.

use WWW::EchoNest qw( set_api_key );

use WWW::EchoNest qw(:all);
my $godfather = get_artist('James Brown');
my @audio_list      = $godfather->get_audio( { results => 50 } );
my @biography_list  = $godfather->get_biographies(); # Gets 15 results by default

my $free_bird = get_song('Free Bird');
my $free_bird_id = $free_bird->get_id;


The Echo Nest has released an open-source audio analyzer called 'echoprint'.
If you wish to use the WWW::EchoNest::Song::identify function then you will have to have echoprint installed and working properly on your system.
See http://echoprint.me for more information.
After getting echoprint up and running, you should either edit WWW/EchoNest/Config.pm to hardcode the 'codegen_binary_override' field or call set_codegen_path from any programs that use Song::identify.  

use WWW::EchoNest qw( set_codegen_path );
use WWW::EchoNest::Song qw( identify );
my $song = identify( { filename => 'path/to/audio_file.mp3' } );

#### Other requirements

 - Install ffmpeg. (See http://ffmpeg.org)  
 - Install File::Which from CPAN. (This is how WWW::EchoNest finds the location of ffmpeg, which you must have installed before using Song::identify.)


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    $ perldoc WWW::EchoNest


Copyright (C) 2011 Brian Sorahan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.