Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExample::FromMojoTemplates - Creates POD
    examples from custom Mojolicious templates.

      ; In dist.ini
      directory = examples/source
      filepattern = ^\w+-\d+\.mojo$

    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExample::FromMojoTemplates inserts examples
    from MojoX::CustomTemplateFileParser type files into POD. Together with
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::CreateFromMojo this produces examples in POD
    from the same source that creates the tests. The purpose is to help
    develop tag helpers for Mojolicious.


    Default: "examples/source"

    Where DZP::IE::FMT should look for source files.


    Default: "^\w+-\d+\.mojo$"

    Look for files that matches a certain pattern.


    Default: 1

    If true, will create html files in the chosen directory.


    Default: "examples"

    The directory for html files.

    Source files looks like this:

       ==test example 1==
            %= link_to 'The example 3' => ['']
            <a href="">Perl</a>

    This is a test block. One file can have many test blocks.

    In your pod:

        # EXAMPLE: filename.mojo:1, 3-30, !5, !22-26

        # EXAMPLE: filename.mojo:all

        # EXAMPLE: filename.mojo:examples


    Adds all examples in the source file. "all" can be used by itself or
    combined with exclusion commands.


    Adds example number 3. The test number is sequential. Looping tests
    count as one. You can add a number as in the example to make it easier
    to follow.


    Add examples numbered 5 through 30.


    Excludes example 5 from the previous range.


    Excludes examples numbered "22-26" from the previous range. If an
    example has been excluded it can't be included later. Exclusions are


    Includes all tests marked "==test example==" in the source file.
    Exclusion works as with "all".

    Erik Carlsson <>

    Copyright 2014- Erik Carlsson

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.