Promise::ES6 - ES6-style promises in Perl


    use Promise::ES6;

    # OPTIONAL. And see below for other options.
    Promise::ES6::use_event('IO::Async', $loop);

    my $promise = Promise::ES6->new( sub {
        my ($resolve_cr, $reject_cr) = @_;

        # ..
    } );

    my $promise2 = $promise->then( sub { .. }, sub { .. } );

    my $promise3 = $promise->catch( sub { .. } );

    my $promise4 = $promise->finally( sub { .. } );

    my $resolved = Promise::ES6->resolve(5);
    my $rejected = Promise::ES6->reject('nono');

    my $all_promise = Promise::ES6->all( \@promises );

    my $race_promise = Promise::ES6->race( \@promises );

    my $allsettled_promise = Promise::ES6->allSettled( \@promises );


    <a href='https://coveralls.io/github/FGasper/p5-Promise-ES6?branch=master'><img src='https://coveralls.io/repos/github/FGasper/p5-Promise-ES6/badge.svg?branch=master' alt='Coverage Status' /></a>

This module provides a Perl implementation of [promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises), a useful pattern
for coordinating asynchronous tasks.

Unlike most other promise implementations on CPAN, this module
mimics ECMAScript 6�䏭 [Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise)
interface. As the SYNOPSIS above shows, you can thus use patterns from
JavaScript in Perl with only minimal changes needed to accommodate language

This is a rewrite of an earlier module, [Promise::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::Tiny). It fixes several
bugs and superfluous dependencies in the original.


This module is in use in production and, backed by a pretty extensive
set of regression tests, may be considered stable.


- Promise resolutions and rejections accept exactly one argument,
not a list.
- Unhandled rejections are reported via `warn()`. (See below
for details.)
- Undefined or empty rejection values trigger a warning.
This provides the same value as Perl�䏭 own warning on `die(undef)`.
- The [Promises/A+ test suite](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-tests) avoids testing the case where an �𩃀xecutor��
function�䏭 resolve callback itself receives another promise, e.g.:

        my $p = Promise::ES6->new( sub ($res) {
            $res->( Promise::ES6->resolve(123) );
        } );

    What will $p�䏭 resolution value be? 123, or the promise that wraps it?

    This module favors conformity with the ES6 standard, which
    [indicates intent](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-promise-executor) that $p�䏭 resolution value be 123.


This module considers any object that has a `then()` method to be a promise.
Note that, in the case of [Future](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future), this will yield a �𠨑alse-positive��, as
Future is not compatible with promises.

(See [Promise::ES6::Future](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::ES6::Future) for more tools to interact with [Future](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future).)


This module implements [Future::AsyncAwait::Awaitable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future::AsyncAwait::Awaitable). This lets you do
nifty stuff like:

    use Future::AsyncAwait;

    async sub do_stuff {
        my $foo = await fetch_number_p();

        # NB: The real return is a promise that provides this value:
        return 1 + $foo;

    my $one_plus_number = await do_stuff();

�� which roughly equates to:

    sub do_stuff {
        return fetch_number_p()->then( sub { 1 + $foo } );

    do_stuff->then( sub {
        $one_plus_number = shift;
    } );


This module�䏭 handling of unhandled rejections has changed over time.
The current behavior is: if any rejected promise is DESTROYed without first
having received a catch callback, a warning is thrown.


In JavaScript, the following ��

    Promise.resolve().then( () => console.log(1) );

�� will log `2` then `1` because JavaScript�䏭 `then()` defers execution
of its callbacks until between iterations through JavaScript�䏭 event loop.

Perl, of course, has no built-in event loop. This module accommodates that by
implementing **synchronous** promises by default rather than asynchronous ones.
This means that all promise callbacks run _immediately_ rather than between
iterations of an event loop. As a result, this:

    Promise::ES6->resolve(0)->then( sub { print 1 } );
    print 2;

�� will print `12` instead of `21`.

One effect of this is that Promise::ES6, in its default configuration, is
agnostic regarding event loop interfaces: no special configuration is needed
for any specific event loop. In fact, you don�脌 even _need_ an event loop
at all, which might be useful for abstracting over whether a given
function works synchronously or asynchronously.

The disadvantage of synchronous promises�𥿡esides not being _quite_ the same
promises that we expect from JS�㻳s that recursive promises can exceed
call stack limits. For example, the following (admittedly contrived) code:

    my @nums = 1 .. 1000;

    sub _remove {
        if (@nums) {
            Promise::ES6->resolve(shift @nums)->then(\&_remove);


�� will eventually fail because it will reach Perl�䏭 call stack size limit.

That problem probably won�脌 affect most applications. The best way to
avoid it, though, is to use asynchronous promises, �� la JavaScript.

To do that, first choose one of the following event interfaces:

- [IO::Async](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Async)
- [AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent)
- [Mojo::IOLoop](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::IOLoop) (part of [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious))

Then, before you start creating promises, do this:


�� or:


�� or:

    Promise::ES6::use_event('IO::Async', $loop);

That�䏭 it! Promise::ES6 instances will now work asynchronously rather than

Note that this changes Promise::ES6 _globally_. In IO::Async�䏭 case, it
won�脌 increase the passed-in [IO::Async::Loop](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO::Async::Loop) instance�䏭 reference count,
but if that loop object goes away, Promise::ES6 won�脌 work until you call
`use_event()` again.

**IMPORTANT:** For the best long-term scalability and flexibility,
your code should work with either synchronous or asynchronous promises.


Promises have never provided a standardized solution for cancellation�㻳.e.,
aborting an in-process operation. If you need this functionality, then, you�耱l
have to implement it yourself. Two ways of doing this are:

- Subclass Promise::ES6 and provide cancellation logic in that
subclass. See [DNS::Unbound::AsyncQuery](https://metacpan.org/pod/DNS::Unbound::AsyncQuery)�䏭 implementation for an
example of this.
- Implement the cancellation on a request object that your
�𦑩romise-creator�� also consumes. This is probably the more straightforward
approach but requires that there
be some object or ID besides the promise that uniquely identifies the action
to be canceled. See [Net::Curl::Promiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::Curl::Promiser) for an example of this approach.

You�耱l need to decide if it makes more sense for your application to leave
a canceled query in the �𦑩ending�� state or to �𦨴ettle�� (i.e., resolve or
reject) it. All things being equal, I feel the first approach is the most
intuitive, while the latter ends up being �𦣇leaner��.

Of note: [Future](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future) implements native cancellation.


It�䏭 easy to create inadvertent memory leaks using promises in Perl.
Here are a few �𦑩ointers�� (heh) to bear in mind:

- Any Promise::ES6 instances that are created while
`$Promise::ES6::DETECT_MEMORY_LEAKS` is set to a truthy value are
�𦧺eak-detect-enabled��, which means that if they survive until their original
process�䏭 global destruction, a warning is triggered. You should normally
enable this flag in a development environment.
- If your application needs recursive promises (e.g., to poll
iteratively for completion of a task), the `current_sub` feature (i.e.,
`__SUB__`) may help you avoid memory leaks. In Perl versions that don�脌
support this feature (i.e., anything pre-5.16) you can imitate it thus:

        use constant _has_current_sub => eval "use feature 'current_sub'";

        use if _has_current_sub(), feature => 'current_sub';

        my $cb;
        $cb = sub {
            my $current_sub = do {
                no strict 'subs';
                _has_current_sub() ? __SUB__ : eval '$cb';

    Of course, it�䏭 better if you can avoid doing that. :)

- Garbage collection before Perl 5.18 seems to have been buggy.
If you work with such versions and end up chasing leaks,
try manually deleting as many references/closures as possible. See
`t/race_success.t` for a notated example.

    You may also (counterintuitively, IMO) find that this:

        my ($resolve, $reject);

        my $promise = Promise::ES6->new( sub { ($resolve, $reject) = @_ } );

        # �� etc.

    �汕拎orks better than:

        my $promise = Promise::ES6->new( sub {
            my ($resolve, $reject) = @_;

            # �� etc.
        } );


If you�胩e not sure of what promises are, there are several good
introductions to the topic. You might start with
[this one](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises).

[Promise::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise::XS) is my refactor of [AnyEvent::XSPromises](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent::XSPromises). It�䏭 a lot like
this library but implemented mostly in XS for speed.

[Promises](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promises) is another pure-Perl Promise implementation.

[Future](https://metacpan.org/pod/Future) fills a role similar to that of promises. Much of the IO::Async
ecosystem assumes (or strongly encourages) its use.

CPAN contains a number of other modules that implement promises. I think
mine are the nicest :), but YMMV. Enjoy!


Copyright 2019-2021 Gasper Software Consulting.

This library is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.