Data::AsObject - Easy OO access to complex perl data structures

    version 0.07

        use Data::AsObject qw(dao);

        my $book = dao {
            name      => "Programming Perl",
            authors   => ["Larry Wall", "Tom Christiansen", "Jon Orwant"],


        print $book->name                # prints "Programming Perl"
        print $book->authors(0)          # prints "Larry Wall"
        my $array_ref = $book->authors   # $array_ref is ["Larry Wall", "Tom Christiansen", "Jon Orwant"]
        my @array = $book->authors->list # @array is ("Larry Wall", "Tom Christiansen", "Jon Orwant")
        $book->{publisher} = "O'Reilly";
        print $book->publisher           # prints "O'Reilly"

    "Data::AsObject" provides easy object-oriented access to complex and
    arbitrarily nested perl data structures. It is particularly suitable for
    working with hash-based representation of XML data, as generated by
    modules like XML::Complie or XML::TreePP.

    Version 0.06 of "Data::AsObject" broke backward compatibility with two
    changes that may break existing scripts.

    *   Automatic dereferencing in list context is no longer provided. Use
        the "list" method instead.

    *   An attempt to access an non-existing hash key by default now dies
        rather than simply produce a warning. Either explicitly request
        Data::AsObject not to die on missing hash keys, or use an exception
        handling mechanism to check if the data you want to access is
        actually there.

    These are some of the reasons why you may want to use "Data::AsObject":

    Object-oriented syntax
        The object-oriented syntax may sometimes be more appropriate than
        the traditional hashref and arrayref syntax.

    Protection from misspelled hash key names
        Since "Data::AsObject" does not preform any autovivification, it
        protects you from misspelling a hash key when accessing its value
        (but see also Hash::Util for more robust ways to do that).

    Easy access to hash keys with non-standard symbols
        If your hashes contain a lot of keys with dashes or colons, as is
        often the case with keys representing xml element names,
        "Data::AsObject" can automatically access such keys by substituting
        underscores for the non-standard symbols.

    Easy dereferencing of arrayrefs
        If you have a lot of arrayrefs in your data structure that often
        need to be traversed, e.g. with "grep", "map" or "foreach",
        "Data::AsObject" provides a "list" method on arrayrefs to
        automatically dereference them.

    Takes as input one or more hash or array references, and returns one or
    more objects ("Data::AsObject::Hash" or "Data::AsObject::Array"
    respectively) that can be used to access the data structures via an
    object oriented interface.

    Data::AsObject uses Sub::Exporter and allows you to import the "dao" sub
    in one of three modes:

    strict mode
            use Data::AsObject dao => { mode => 'strict' };

        In this mode (which is the default) "dao" will produce an object
        that dies whenever you try to invoke a hash key that does not exist.

    loose mode
            use Data::AsObject dao => { mode => 'loose' };

        In this mode "dao" will produce an object that returns "undef" and
        issues a warning whenever you try to invoke a hash key that does not

    strict mode
            use Data::AsObject dao => { mode => 'silent' };

        In this mode "dao" will produce an object that returns "undef"
        whenever you try to invoke a hash key that does not exist, but does
        not complain.

  Working with hashes
    To access hash elements by key, use the hash key as method name:

        my $data = dao { three => { two => { one => "kaboom" } } };
        print $data->three->two->one; # kaboom

    If a hash key contains one or more colons or dashes, you can access its
    value by substituting underscores for the colons or dashes (the
    underlying hash key name is not modified).

        my $data = dao {
            'xml:lang'     => "EN",
            'element-name' => "some name",

        print $data->xml_lang     # "EN"
        print $data->element_name # "some name"

  Working with arrays
    To access array items pass the item index as an argument to the hash
    that contains the array:

        my $data = dao {
            uk => ["one", "two", "three", "four"],
            spain => [
                { name => 'spanish', numbers => ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro"] },
                { name => 'catalan', numbers => ["un", "dos", "tres", "quatre"] },

        print $data->en(1) # two
        print $data->spain(0)->numbers(3); # cuatro

    Array of array structures are a little bit clumsier to work with. You
    will need to use the "get" method of "Data::AsObject::Array" and pass it
    the index of the item you want to access:

        my $data = dao [
            ["one", "two", "three", "four"]
            ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro"],
            ["un", "dos", "tres", "quatre"],

        print $data->get(2)->get(0); # un

    Arrayrefs have a dereferencing "list" method. For example:

        my $data = dao {
            spain => [
                { name => 'spanish', numbers => ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro"] },
                { name => 'catalan', numbers => ["un", "dos", "tres", "quatre"] },

        foreach my $n ( $data->spain->list ) {
            print $n->name . " ";
        } # spanish catalan

  Modifying data
    "Data::AsObject" only provides accessor functions. To modify data,
    access the respective hash or array element directly:

        my $data = dao {};
        $data->{one} = "uno";
        print $data->one # uno

    No autovivification is performed by default (but see FUNCTIONS above).
    An attempt to access a hash or array element that does not exist will
    produce a fatal error. Use an exception handling mechanism such as

        use Try::Tiny;

        my $data = dao {
            uk      => ["one", "two", "three", "four"],
            spain   => ["uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro"],
            germany => ["eins", "zwei", "drei", "vier"].

        try {
            my $numbers = $data->bulgaria;
        } catch {
            warn "No info about Bulgaria!";

    See also "can" below.

  "Data::AsObject::Hash" and special methods
    If $data isa "Data::AsObject::Hash":

    can "$data->can" will return the value of the "$data->{can}" element.
        "$data->can("some_hash_key")" will properly return "undef" if
        "some_hash_key" does not exists, or a reference to a sub that
        returns "$data->{some_hash_key}" otherwise.

            my $data = dao {
                uk      => ["one", "two", "three", "four"],
                # ...

            warn "No info about Bulgaria!" unless $data->can('bulgaria');

        Calling "$data->VERSION" will attempt to return the value of a hash
        element with a key "VERSION". Use "Data::AsObject->VERSION" instead.

    others special methods
        All other special methods and functions ("isa", "ref", "DESTROY")
        should behave as expected.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-data-object at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    *   Hash::AsObject

    Peter Shangov <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Peter Shangov.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.