Getargs::Long 0.1
               Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Raphael Manfredi

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the Artistic License, a copy of which can be
    found with perl.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Artistic License for more details.

This module is known to exercise a bug in perl 5.6.0.  Don't use that
version of perl: use 5.005_03, or try 5.6.1.

The interface of this module changed between 0.1.2 and 0.1.3, and is
NOT backward compatible.  That's why it's still called alpha software.

       *** This is alpha software -- use at your own risks ***

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-----------    ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
::Long         adpf  Parses long function args f(-arg => value)   RAM


     use Getargs::Long;                     # case sensitive
     use Getargs::Long qw(ignorecase);      # case insensitive

     # Simple, args mandatory
     my ($val, $other) = getargs(@_, qw(val other));

     # Simple, args optional (in [] means optional)
     my ($val, $other) = getargs(@_, [qw(val other)]);

     # Simple with typechecking, args mandatory
     my ($val, $other) = getargs(@_, qw(val=Class::X other=ARRAY));

     # Simple with typechecking, args optional
     my ($val, $other) = getargs(@_, [qw(val=Class::X other=ARRAY)]);

     # Faster version, building dedicated argument parsing routine
     my ($val, $other) = cgetargs(@_, qw(val other));

     # Other cases, use full specs:
     my ($x, $y, $z, $a, $b, $c) = xgetargs(@_,

        # Non-mandatory, defaults to undef unless specified otherwise
        'x'     => ['i'],                   # integer, no default
        'y'     => ['ARRAY', ['a', 'b']],   # Has a default
        'z'     => [],                      # No typecheck, can be anything

        # Mandatory arguments
        'a'     => 'i',                     # integer (scalar)
        'b'     => 'TYPE',                  # TYPE or any heir of TYPE
        'c'     => undef,                   # unspecified type but mandatory

     # Extract remaining unparsed args in @extra
     my ($val, $other, @extra) = getargs(@_, { -strict => 0 }, qw(val other));

     # Alter behaviour of the getargs() routines via switches in hashref
     my ($val, $other) = getargs(@_,
            -strict         => 1,       # unknown switches are fatal
            -ignorecase     => 1,       # override package's global
            -inplace        => 1,       # edit @_ inplace: remove parsed args
            -extra          => 0,       # suppress return of extra arguments
        qw(val other)


Instead of duplicating the manual page, and because examples are better than
a long explaination, here are examples for common cases, showing the routine
argument sepecification and how various calling sequences are interpreted
by those specifications.

Example 1 -- All mandatory:

   sub f {
       my ($port, $server) = getargs(@_,
           qw(port=i server=HTTP::Server));

   f(-server => $server, port => 80);  # or -port, since - is optional
   f(port => 80, server => $server);
   f(server => $server);               # WRONG: missing mandatory -port
   f(server => 80, port => 80);        # WRONG: -server not an HTTP::Server
   f(server => undef, port => 80);     # WRONG: -server cannot be undef

Example 2 -- All optional

   sub cmd {
       my ($a, $o) = getargs(@_, [qw(a o=s)]);

   cmd();                      # OK
   cmd(-a => undef);           # OK -a accepts anything, even undef
   cmd(-a => 1, -o => "..");   # OK
   cmd(-a => 1, -o => undef);  # WRONG: -o does not accept undef
   cmd(-x => 1);               # WRONG: -x is not a known argument name

Example 3  -- Mixed optional / mandatory

   sub f {
       my ($x, $z) = xgetargs(@_,
           -x  => 'i',                 # -x mandatory integer
           -z  => ['n', -20.4],        # -z optional, defaults to -20.4

   f(x => 1, z => {});     # WRONG: z is not a numerical value
   f(z => 1, x => -2);     # OK
   f(-z => 1);             # WRONG: mandatory x is missing
   f(-z => undef);         # WRONG: z cannot be undef

Example 4 -- Parsing options

   sub f {
       my ($x, $z) = xgetargs(@_,
           { -strict => 0, -ignorecase => 1 },
           -x  => 'i',                 # -x mandatory integer
           -z  => ['n', -20.4],        # -z optional, defaults to -20.4

   f(x => 1, foo => {});   # OK, -foo ignored since not strict
   f(-X => 1);             # OK, -X actually specifies -x with ignorecase

-- Raphael Manfredi <>