# NAME AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple - Simple cache for AnyEvent::DNS # SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple; my $guard = AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple->register( ttl => 60, negative_ttl => 5, timeout => [1,1] ); for my $i ( 1..3 ) { my $cv = AE::cv; AnyEvent::DNS::a "example.com", sub { say join " | ",@_; $cv->send; }; $cv->recv; } undef $guard; # DESCRIPTION AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple provides simple cache capability for AnyEvent::DNS CPAN already has AnyEvent::CacheDNS module. It also provides simple cache. AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple support ttl, negative\_ttl and can use with any cache module. And AnyEvent::DNS::Cache::Simple does not use AnyEvent->timer for purging cache. # METHOD ## register Register cache to `$AnyEvent::DNS::RESOLVER`. This method returns guard object. If the guard object is destroyed, original resolver will be restored register can accept all `AnyEvent::DNS-`new> arguments and has some additional arguments. - ttl: Int maximum positive cache ttl in seconds. (default: 5) - negative\_ttl: Int negative cache ttl in seconds. (default: 1) - cache: Object Cache object, requires support get, set and remove methods. default: Cache::Memory::Simple is used # SEE ALSO [AnyEvent::DNS](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?AnyEvent::DNS), [AnyEvent::Socket](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?AnyEvent::Socket), [AnyEvent::CacheDNS](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?AnyEvent::CacheDNS), [Cache::Memory::Simple](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Cache::Memory::Simple) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Masahiro Nagano <kazeburo@gmail.com>