
## Introduction

This module provides a configuration facility similiar to that provided by
the .NET Framework inasmuch as it will read an XML file with the name
of $0.config of the format:

			<add key="Foo" value="Bar" />

and will by default populate the hash %appSettings with the keys specified
by the <add /> elements.  For more information see the POD documentation.

This may or may not be useful to you as it is limited to a one dimensional
configuration structure - but it was born out of a requirement to share a
configuration between Perl and C# programs.

## Prerequisites

This module requires XML::XPath to operate.  This is a change from the initial
release that implemented its own Parser using XML::Parser.

## Installation

Install the module by executing the following in the directory where you have
unpacked the module distribution:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

You may need to use a different program than make on various different OS.

You will need to run the last step as a user with sufficient permissions to
create files in the Perl library directories - if you require the module to
be installed in an alternative location then you should run the first step as:

	perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/my/library/directory

You will need to then specify the appropriate location with :

	use lib '/my/library/directory';


It might be considered a bug that the hash %appSettings will be stomped on.


All bug reports and patches should be made via Github


Jonathan Stowe <>


This library is free software and comes with no warranty whatsoever.

It can be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text
of the Perl licence can be found in the README in the Perl distribution.

Copyright 穢 2004, 2005, 2016 Jonathan Stowe