Data/TreeDumper/OO =================== Version 0.06 Data::TreeDumper::OO Object oriented interface to Data::TreeDumper. Ex: my $tree = { ... } ; my $dumper = new Data::TreeDumper::00(MAX_DEPTH => 1) ; $dumper->UseAnsi(1) ; $dumper->Maxdepth(2) ; $dumper->Dump($tree, "Using OO interface:") ; #output Using OO interface: |- A [H1] | |- a [H2] | |- bbbbbb = CODE(0x8139fa0) [C3] | |- c123 [C4 -> C3] | `- d [R5] | `- REF(0x8139fb8) [C6 -> C3] |- ARRAY [A7] | |- 0 [S8] = elment_1 | |- 1 [S9] = element_2 | `- 2 [S10] = element_3 `- C [H11] `- b [H12] `- a [H13] |- a [H14] |- b = CODE(0x81ab10c) [C15] `- c [S16] = 42 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Data::TreeDumper COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nadim Ibn Hamouda el Khemir. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redis- tribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you find any value in this module, mail me! All hints, tips, flammes and wishes are welcome at <>.