# NAME Filesys::DiskUsage::Fast - A fast disk usage counter (du) with XS # SYNOPSIS use Filesys::DiskUsage::Fast qw(du); my $total = du( $dir ); my $total = du( $dir1, $dir2, ... ); # DESCRIPTION A simple but fast disk usage counter implemented as XS module. # FUNCTIONS - __du()__ Returns total byte number contained in directories specified. my $total = du("/usr/local"); my $total = du("/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"); # GLOBAL VARIABLES - __$ShowWarnings__ If true, errors will be warn()ed. Default is true. Set false to suppress warnings (not found, permission denied etc). local $Filesys::DiskUsage::Fast::ShowWarnings = 0; du(...); - __$SectorSize__ If > 0, the specified size is used to calculate the block size. Default value is 0, returns real occupied size. local $Filesys::DiskUsage::Fast::SectorSize = 4096; du(...); # PERFORMANCE s/iter pp xs pp 1.35 -- -85% xs 0.197 584% -- tested on a directory contains around 11GB 3300+ files, CentOS 5 (HDD). # CAVEAT All symbolic links always result 0 byte. Block, FIFO and other special files may not be counted accurately. # DEPENDENCY None # SEE ALSO Filesys::DiskUsage, Number::Bytes::Human # REPOSITORY https://github.com/ryochin/p5-filesys-diskusage-fast # AUTHOR Ryo Okamoto, `<ryo at aquahill dot net>` # COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2012 Ryo Okamoto, All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.