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 *Note: This is a fork of the abandoned CPAN version by Miko
O'Sullivan. I forked it for my own purposes. If it is useful for you,
enjoy and participate!*

# Relaxed JSON?

There's been increasing support for the idea of expanding JSON to improve
"Relaxed" JSON (RJSON) is a term that has been used to describe a
JSON-ish format that has some human-friendly features that JSON doesn't.
Most notably, RJSON allows the use of JavaScript-like comments and
eliminates the need to quote all keys and values.
An (official) specification can be found on

_Note that by definition every JSON document is also a valid RJSON document._


    use JSON::Relaxed;

    # Some raw RJSON data.
    my $rjson = <<'RAW_DATA';
    /* Javascript-like comments. */
        // Keys do not require quotes.
        // Single, double and backtick quotes.
        a : 'Larry',
        b : "Curly",
        c : `Phoey`,
        // Simple values do not require quotes.
        d:  unquoted

        // Nested structures.
        e: [
          { a:1, b:2 },

        // Like Perl, trailing commas are allowed.
        f: "more stuff",

    # Functional parsing.
    my $hash = decode_rjson($rjson);

    # Object-oriented parsing.
    my $parser = JSON::Relaxed->new();
    $hash = $parser->decode($rjson);
	# Pretty output.
	print encode_json( data => $hash, pretty => 1 );


JSON::Relaxed is a lightweight parser and serializer for RJSON.
It is fully compliant to the [RelaxedJSON.org](https://www.relaxedjson.org/specification) specification.


Extensions can be disabled with the `strict` option.

- Hash keys without values

  JSON::Relaxed supports object keys without a specified value.
  In that case the hash element is simply assigned the undefined value.

  In the following example, a is assigned 1, and b is assigned undef:

      { a:1, b }

- Implied outer hash braces

  If the input starts with a hash key, the outer braces are implied.
  The following are identical

      a : 1
      b : 2

      { a : 1, b : 2 }

- Optional colon for hash-valued keys

  If a key is associated with a hash value, the colon may be left out.
  The following are identical

      a { b : 1 }
      a : { b : 1 }

- Combined hash keys

  Multiple levels of keys, separated by periods.
  The following are identical
      a.b.c : 1
      a : { b : { c : 1 } }

  This even works for arrays, but can be tricky:
      a.2.c : 1

      a [ null, null, { c : 1 } ]


      a.2.c : 1
      a.1.d : 2

      a [ null, { d : 2 }, { c : 1 } ]

- String continuation

  Long strings can be split over multiple lines by putting a backslash
  at the end of the line:

      "this is a " \
      "long string"

  Note that this is different from

      "this is a \
      long string"

    which **embeds** the newline into the string.

- Extended Unicode escapes

  Unicode escapes in strings may contain an arbitrary number of hexadecimal
  digits enclosed in braces:


    This eliminates the need to use [surrogates](https://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-2) to obtain the same character:



## decode\_rjson

    $structure = decode_rjson($data)

`decode_rjson()` is the simple way to parse an RJSON string.
It is exported by default.
`decode_rjson` takes a single parameter, the string to be parsed.

Optionally an additional hash with options can be passed
to change the behaviour of the parser.
See [Object-oriented parsing](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::Relaxed#OBJECT-ORIENTED-PARSING)
in JSON::Relaxed::Parser.

    $structure = decode_rjson( $rjson, %options );

## encode\_json

`encode_json` produces a formatted string from a Perl data structure.
It takes a hash as argument.

    $string = encode_json( data => $struct, %options )
Possible options are

* strict

  If set to a true value, the formatted string will conform to strict
  Relaxed JSON.

* pretty

  The result will be pretty-printed, i.e. nicely formatted for human

* schema

  If this argument is provided it must be the result from parsing a
  valid JSON Schema that is associated with the data to be formatted. 
  The `"description"` nodes from the schema will be used to provide
  comments in the output.


## new

To parse using an object, create a `JSON::Relaxed` object:

    $parser = JSON::Relaxed->new();

Then call the parser's `decode` method, passing in the RJSON string:

    $structure = $parser->decode($rjson);

Similar for encoding:

    $string = $parser->encode( data => $structure );

For more details, see [Object-oriented parsing](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::Relaxed#OBJECT-ORIENTED-PARSING) in JSON::Relaxed.


If the document cannot be parsed, JSON::Relaxed returns an undefined
value and sets error indicators in $JSON::Relaxed::Parser::err\_id and
$JSON::Relaxed::Parser::err\_msg. For a full list of error codes, see


The old static method `from_rjson` has been renamed to `decode_rjson`,
to conform to many other modules of this kind.
`from_rjson` is kept as a synonym for `decode_rjson`.

For the same reason, the old parser method `parse` has been renamed to `decode`.
`parse` is kept as a synonym for `decode`.


Johan Vromans `jv@cpan.org`

Miko O'Sullivan `miko@idocs.com`, original version.


Development of this module takes place on GitHub:

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc JSON::Relaxed

Please report any bugs or feature requests using the issue tracker on


Copyright (c) 2024 by Johan Vromans. All rights reserved. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with **NO
WARRANTY** of any kind.

Original copyright 2014 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with **NO
WARRANTY** of any kind.