SYNOPSIS In your weaver.ini [Legal::Complicated] DESCRIPTION This plugin is aimed at distributions that have several files, each of them with possibly different authors, copyright owners and licenses. It will look for these values in comments of the source code (analyzed through a ppi_document) with the following form: # AUTHOR: John Doe <> # AUTHOR: Mary Jane <> # OWNER: 2001-2005 University of Over Here # OWNER: 2012 Mary Jane # LICENSE: GPL_3 This example would generate the following POD: =head2 AUTHORS John Doe <> Mary Jane <> =head2 COPYRIGHT This software is copyright (c) 2001-2005 by University of Over Here, and 2012 by Mary Jane. This software is available under The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007. Note that this plugin makes a distinction between the authors (whoever wrote the code), and the actual copyright owners (possibly the person who paid them to write it). I am not a lawyer myself, any feedback on better ways to deal with this kind of situations is most welcome. NOTE ON DEPENDENCIES This plugin is dependent on the Software::License::* module of the license being used. Since it is not feasible to list them all, only Software::License is listed as dependency (of the distribution, even though it is not actually used directly. If true, it will also add the distribution license to each of the files. Defaults to false. =attr head Sets the heading level for the legal section. Defaults to 1. sub _extract_comments { my (undef, $input, $tag) = @_; my $ppi_document = $input->{ppi_document}; my @comments; $ppi_document->find( sub { my $ppi_node = $_[1]; if ($ppi_node->isa('PPI::Token::Comment') && $ppi_node->content =~ qr/^\s*#+\s*$tag:\s*(.+?)\s*$/m ) { push (@comments, $1); } return 0; }); return @comments; } sub _join { my $text; if (@_ == 1) { $text = $_[0]; } else { $text = join (", ", @_[0 .. $#_ -1]); $text .= ", and $_[-1]"; } return $text; } sub weave_section { my ($self, $document, $input) = @_; my $filename = $input->{filename}; my @authors = $self->_extract_comments($input, "AUTHOR"); my @owners = $self->_extract_comments($input, "OWNER"); my @licenses = $self->_extract_comments($input, "LICENSE"); @licenses = map { my $license = "Software::License::$_"; eval { load $license; ## it doesn't matter who's the holder at this point. We just want the ## pretty text for the license name $license = $license->new({holder => "does not matter"}) }; Carp::croak "Possibly $_ license module not installed: $@" if $@; $license; } @licenses; if ($self->add_dist_license && $input->{license}) { push (@licenses, $input->{license}); } Carp::croak "Unable to find an author for $filename" unless scalar (@authors); Carp::croak "Unable to find a copyright owner for $filename" unless scalar (@owners); Carp::croak "Unable to find a copyright license for $filename" unless scalar (@licenses); my ($author_text, $license_text); $author_text = join ("\n\n", @authors); ## One day, we might need a more complex legal text but in the mean ## time, this is fine to avoid repeated entries @licenses = uniq (map { lcfirst($_->name) } @licenses); ## and make pretty English with year and owner names @owners = map { my $text; ## there may be spaces and dashes on the years: ## 2003, 2004 ## 2006-2007, 2008 ## ## so it must start and end with numbers, but in the middle we allow spaces, ## dashes and commas as well. $_ =~ m/^([\d][\d\s\-,]*[\d])?\s*(.+)$/; $text .= "$1 " if $1; $text .= "by $2"; $text; } @owners; $license_text .= "This software is copyright (c) ". _join (@owners) . ".\n"; $license_text .= "\n"; $license_text .= "This software is available under " . _join (@licenses) . "."; push (@{$document->children}, Pod::Elemental::Element::Nested->new({ command => "head" . $self->head, content => @authors > 1? "AUTHORS" : "AUTHOR", children => [Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary->new({ content => $author_text })], })); push (@{$document->children}, Pod::Elemental::Element::Nested->new({ command => "head" . $self->head, content => "COPYRIGHT", children => [Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary->new({ content => $license_text })], })); } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 48: Unknown directive: =attr