# NAME Acme::Nyaa - Convert texts like which a cat is talking in Japanese # SYNOPSIS use Acme::Nyaa; my $kijitora = Acme::Nyaa->new; print $kijitora->cat( \'�𤨓�䎚�卝�譌������' ); # => �𤨓�䎚�卝�譌�����卝���潦�� print $kijitora->neko( \'蟡𠺶�典�諹圾�䜘��' ); # => �溻�喋�典�諹圾�䜘�� # DESCRIPTION Acme::Nyaa is a converter which translate Japanese texts to texts like which a cat talking. Language modules are available only Japanese ([Acme::Nyaa::Ja](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Acme::Nyaa::Ja)) for now. Nyaa is `�卝���嬋, Cats living in Japan meows `nyaa`. # CLASS METHODS ## __new( \[_%argv_\] )__ new() is a constructor of Acme::Nyaa my $kijitora = Acme::Nyaa->new(); # INSTANCE METHODS ## __cat( _\\$text_ )__ cat() is a converter that appends string `�卝���嬋 at the end of each sentence. my $kijitora = Acme::Nyaa->new; my $nekotext = '�𤨓�䎚�卝�譌������'; print $kijitora->cat( \$nekotext ); # �𤨓�䎚�卝�譌�����卝���潦�� ## __neko( _\\$text_ )__ neko() is a converter that replace a noun with `�溻�訢. my $kijitora = Acme::Nyaa->new; my $nekotext = '蟡𠺶�柴�𨰻�啜�溻�舐��嗚�怒�譌��'; print $kijitora->neko( \$nekotext ); # �溻�喋�柴�𨰻�啜�溻�舐��嗚�怒�譌�� ## __nyaa( \[_\\$text_\] )__ nyaa() returns string: `�卝���嬋. my $kijitora = Acme::Nyaa->new; print $kijitora->nyaa(); # �卝���� print $kijitora->nyaa('鈭祇��'); # 鈭祇�賬�卝���� ## __straycat( _\\@array-ref_ | _\\$scalar-ref_ \[,1\] )__ straycat() converts multi-lined sentences. If 2nd argument is given then this method also replace each noun with `�溻�訢. my $nekoobject = Acme::Nyaa->new; my $filehandle = IO::File->new( 't/a-part-of-i-am-a-cat.ja.txt', 'r' ); my @nekobuffer = <$filehandle>; print $nekoobject->straycat( \@nekobuffer ); # �陻頛押�舐𤨓�扼���卝�卝���瓐����滚�溻�胯�整�删�~���卝���潦�� # �押�瓐�抒�麄�整�䎚�麄�钅�瓐�刻�讠訜�䎚�扎�卝�研�卝���潦��! 雿𨰻�艾����𡑒����塩���塩���𨰜����扼�卝���潦�卝���潭都���� # 撅��煺�衤���航�䀹�嗚�𨰜�血��卝�卝���潦�瓐���陻頛押�胯�瓐�腈�批�卝���虫犖��瓐�具���萸���柴�坿�卝�麄�卝���潦�潦�潦��! �嗚�����具�扯�𠺶�譌�� # �腈�䎚�舀㮾��麄�具���萎犖��瓐�找��𧞅�㫲�~�芰車��譌�扼���扎�麄�𨰻���𨬭�卝���瓐��甇斗㮾��麄�具���萸�柴�舀�����㻫���埝�� # �詻�衣�柴�阡�麄�萸�具���菔店�扼���卝�卝����! # SAMPLE APPLICATION ## nyaaproxy nyaaproxy is a sample application based on Plack using Acme::Nyaa. Start nyaaproxy by plackup command like the following and open URL such as `�溻�訢. $ plackup -o -p 2222 -a eg/nyaaproxy.psgi # REPOSITORY https://github.com/azumakuniyuki/p5-Acme-Nyaa ## INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY % sudo cpanm Module::Install % cd /usr/local/src % git clone git://github.com/azumakuniyuki/p5-Acme-Nyaa.git % cd ./p5-Acme-Nyaa % perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && sudo make install # AUTHOR azumakuniyuki <perl.org \[at\] azumakuniyuki.org> # SEE ALSO [Acme::Nyaa::Ja](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Acme::Nyaa::Ja) - Japanese module for Acme::Nyaa # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.