CGI::Portal - MVC Framework for Multiuser Applications


    use CGI::Portal;

    CGI::Portal::activate({'database_type'       => "mysql",

                           'database_name'       => "some_name",
                           'database_host'       => "localhost",
                           'database_user'       => "some_user",
                           'database_passw'      => "some_password",

                           'user_table'          => "users",
                           'user_index_field'    => "id",
                           'user_user_field'     => "user",
                           'user_passw_field'    => "passw",
                           'user_additional'     => ["email","first_name","middle_initial","last_name","city","state","country"],
                           # at least:              ["email"],

                           'session_table'       => "sessions",
                           'session_index_field' => "id",
                           'session_sid_field'   => "sid",
                           'session_user_field'  => "user",
                           'session_start_field' => "session_start",
                           'session_additional'  => "",

                           # Accessible classes, the first is the default action

                           'actions'             => ["logon", "logoff", "register", "profile", "changepw", "emailpw"],

                           'session_length'      => 7200,
                           'admin_email'         => "some_user\",

                           'template_dir'        => "templates/", # include trailing slash
                           'header_html'         => "header.html",
                           'footer_html'         => "footer.html",
                           'logon_success_html'  => "logon.html"});


CGI::Portal is a MVC framework for the design of extensible,
plug-configure-and-play multiuser web applications based on preferred object
oriented coding standards. It provides authentication, session management, internal 
redirects and a modular architecture to build complex applications.

It requires a database including a user and a sessions table, a collection of HTML::Template
style templates and a properly configured starrtup script. To start with CGI::Portal you
may want to install the provided Templates at

All requests access through the startup script, and are handled by the class in
the CGI::Portal::Scripts and CGI::Portal::Controls namespace that corresponds to the desired action.

portal.cgi?action=foo calls CGI::Portal::Scripts::foo::launch()

portal.cgi?action=foo&Submit=1 calls CGI::Portal::Controls::foo::launch()



CGI::Portal::activate($conf) takes a reference to the configuration hash, collects
input parameters, creates a database object, and passes those on to your class
for creating an object instance. It then runs your classes "launch" method and
concludes by doing the printing for you. This function is called once from your
startup script.


    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

CGI::Portal::Scripts - Building Applications


    package CGI::Portal::Scripts::some_name;

    use CGI::Portal::Scripts;
    use vars qw(@ISA);

    @ISA = qw(CGI::Portal::Scripts);


    sub launch {
      my $self = shift;

Internal Redirects

    package CGI::Portal::Scripts::some_name;

    use CGI::Portal::Scripts;
    use CGI::Portal::Scripts::other_name;
    use vars qw(@ISA);

    @ISA = qw(CGI::Portal::Scripts);


    sub launch {
      my $self = shift;

      bless $self, "CGI::Portal::Scripts::other_name";


CGI::Portal applications are build by creating classes that reside in the
CGI::Portal::Scripts and CGI::Portal::Controls namespaces and extend CGI::Portal::Scripts. These classes
must provide a subroutine launch() that CGI::Portal calls as an object method to
run your code.

Classes in the CGI::Portal::Scripts handle the assembly of pages, classes in the CGI::Portal::Controls
namespace handle form submissions. 

CGI::Portal::Controls are called by providing input parameter "Submit" or "submit"
and should provide internal redirects to call a CGI::Portal::Scripts class.

In your classes, do not print() or exit(). Instead of "print"ing append to $self->{'out'}
or $self->{'cookies'} and instead of "exit"ing, "return" from launch().

Extending CGI::Portal::Scripts, gives you access to an object with the following attributes.



$self->{'conf'} references a hash containing all values as set in the startup script.


$self->{'in'} references a hash containing all input parameters, stripped off any HTML tags.


$self->{'user'} is set by $self->authenticate_user() if logon succeeds.


$self->{'rdb'} is a CGI::Portal::RDB database object holding a database handle.


$self->{'out'} supposed to collect all output.


$self->{'cookies'} collects cookie headers you might want to set. It is also used for
Sessions, so you might want to append to it.



$self->authenticate_user() takes no arguments and does not return anything. It sets
$self->{'user'} and starts a session if user logon succeeds. If user logon fails
it writes the HTML for a logon form to $self->{'out'}. It also maintains the sessions
during subsequent calls.

    return unless $self->{'user'};


$self->logoff() takes no arguments and does not return anything. It removes the current
users session id from the database and unsets the session cookie.


$self->{'rdb'}->exec($sql) is an object method for the database object. It takes a SQL
statement as argument and returns a DBI statement handle.

The database handle can be directly retrieved from $self->{'rdb'}{'dbh'}.


$self->{'rdb'}->escape(@values) takes an array of SQL values. It uses DBI's quote() on those
values and returns them as a string seperated by commas.


Alexander David P <>