#------------------------------------------------------- # # $Id: README,v 2001/04/07 18:43:45 devel Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Edmund Mergl # #------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: ------------ This is version 1.1 of Cmenu Cmenu is a menuing system for perl scripts with a look and feel reminiscient of dialog - the command line utility COPYRIGHT: ---------- You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- - build, test and install Perl5 - build, test and install Perl Module Curses.pm - build, test and install Perl Module Wrap.pm PLATFORMS: ---------- This release of perlDialog has been developed using Linux 2.2. It has been tested using these terminals linux console linuxm xterm Wyse 60 using VT100 emulation (tic file supplied) INSTALLATION: ------------- 0. If you are not using Linux, read the source There are a couple of tweaks you may need to do to get some keys to respond correctly. Look around line 475 in function menu_initialise, Block 2 - methods 1,2 and 3 If you need methods 1 or 2, uncomment them and comment out 3 Sorry, I have nothing other than Linux here so do not know if these methods are still necessary. 1. perl Makefile.PL 2. make 3. demo 4. make install (should be done under root) TESTING: -------- Run 'demo'. This runs the perl script 'demo'. Provided you run it in Cmenu's home directory it should be able to find Cmenu.pm without you having to install Cmenu with 'make install' DOCUMENTATION: -------------- Detailed documentation can be found in the doc directory. Use latex Cmenu.tex # needs TeX xdvi Cmenu.dvi # needs XFree dvips -f Cmenu.dvi|lpr # needs dvips a browser to read the html dir (doc/html) to process these files. Use 'perldoc Cmenu' after installation to read the documentation included in the module itself for shorter function descriptions. EXTRA FILES ----------- The following files have been included as extras edit.txt a help file used by demo help.txt a help file used by demo cmenurc a sample configuration file for hacking the default behaviour of Cmenu. It can reside in several places /etc/Cmenu/.cmenurc System Wide ~/.cmenurc User defaults ./cmenurc Current deaults Config files are checked in the above precedence Read the file to see what it can do vt100-wy.ti A tic file for the terminfo database. It is for a Wyse 60 (or equivalent) emulating a VT100. Extra function keys have been mapped to default strings so that Home and Page keys work. It is not perfect; the Delete key is mislabelled, some hacks of function keys may be required - at least its a start :) contrib/* these are a series of scripts and definitions which create PostgreSQL databases and demonstrate Cmenu in action with SQL commands. Needs a PostgreSQL perl Module such as Pg or Postgres. Needs PostgreSQL as well of course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy Ferguson <andy@moil.demon.co.uk> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------