NAME Graphite::Simple - Perl XS package provides methods to collect metrics and send them to Graphite server. SYNOPSIS use Graphite::Simple (); my $graphite = Graphite::Simple->new(\%options); $graphite->connect(); $graphite->reconnect(); $graphite->disconnect(); $graphite->is_connected(); my $bulk = $graphite->get_bulk_metrics(); my $status = $graphite->send_bulk(); my $status = $graphite->send_bulk_delegate(); my $metrics = $graphite->get_metrics(); my $avg_counters = $graphite->get_average_counters(); my $invalid = $graphite->get_invalid_metrics(); $graphite->clear_bulk(); $graphite->incr_bulk($key, $value); $graphite->incr_bulk($key); $graphite->append_bulk($hash, $prefix); $graphite->append_bulk($hash); my $is_valid = $graphite->is_valid_key(); my $counter = $graphite->get_invalid_key_counter(); $graphite->check_and_bump_invalid_metric($key); my $is_blocked = $graphite->is_metric_blocked($key); $graphite->set_blocked_metrics_re($re); $graphite->DESTROY(); # the following is actual only if C<use_global_storage> was set my %metrics = %Graphite::Simple::bulk; my %avg_counters = %Graphite::Simple::avg_counters; DESCRIPTION This package provides methods to collect metrics and send them to Graphite server over UDP socket. $class->new(\%options) It's a class constructor. Takes a hash reference as argument. The possible keys of this hash are described below. enabled By default this option equals to 0. The connection to Graphite host will be established if this value is true. If value is 0, then it will be still possible to collect mertrics in internal or public structures. But you won't allowed to send them to Graphite server via native "send_bulk" method. In this case you can use "send_bulk_delegate" method to do this work by other code. path Sets the path to the Unix socket file. Either "path" or "host"/"port" can be used. use_stream_sock By default value is false. If true, then enables SOCK_STREAM for Unix Socks. Otherwise SOCK_DGRAM (UDP) will be used. host Sets the hostname or IPv4 address of Graphite server. This option is mandatory if "enabled" is true. In this case SOCK_DGRAM (UDP) will be used. port Sets the port number of Graphite server. This option is mandatory if "enabled" is true. project Sets a project's name (global prefix for all metrics). This prefix will be applied to each metric before sending to server. sender_name Sets the method's name in format "package::method". This method will be called from "send_bulk_delegate" sub. The hash reference with result metrics will be passed as arguments. Be aware that the invocation of this method can lead to some performance penalties. Optional. store_invalid_metrics Optional. By default takes false value. Turns on the collecting of invalid metrics into "invalid" hash. block_metrics_re The compiled regular expression. If any metric matches, then it will be ignored and won't be stored in the resulted hash. Optional. use_global_storage This flag is optional. If flag is set then the package global hashes will be used to store collected data. my %metrics = %Graphite::Simple::bulk; my %avg_counters = %Graphite::Simple::avg_counters; In case of "store_invalid_metrics" true value the following hash will be available too: my %invalid = %Graphite::Simple::invalid; Otherwise internal hashes will be used. $self->connect() Establishes the connection to Graphite server if "enabled" was set as true. Returns 1 in case of success, otherwise returns 0. $self->reconnect() Reestablishes the connection to Graphite server. Returns 1 in case of success, otherwise returns 0. $self->disconnect() Closes the connection. $self->is_connected() Returns 1 or 0. It returns 0 only in cases if "connected" isn't invoked or Unix Sock connection is broken. $self->send_bulk_delegate() Calculates the result metrics and passes them to specified method in "sender_name". Previously stored keys will be used as average counters while getting the result. Example: $graphite->incr_bulk("avg,key", 4); $graphite->incr_bulk("avg,key", 8); Here "avg.key" counter will be equal to 2. And the result value for "avg.key" is 6: (4 + 8) / 2 Be aware that the invocation of this method can lead to some performance penalties. $self->send_bulk() Calculates the result metrics and send them to Graphite server via direct connection. Previously stored keys will be used as average counters while getting the result. Example: $graphite->incr_bulk("avg,key", 4); $graphite->incr_bulk("avg,key", 8); Here "avg.key" counter will be equal to 2. And result value for "avg.key" is 6: (4 + 8) / 2 $self->get_average_counters() Returns the hash reference with counters of average metrics. Average metric is a metric started with "avg." string. $self->get_invalid_metrics() Returns hsh with invalid metrics. It doesn't contain any blocked metric by reqular expressions. $self->get_metrics() Returns the hash reference with result metrics. Each metric started with "avg." string is divided by its counter from "average_counter". $self->clear_bulk() Clears all collected metrics; $self->incr_bulk($key, $value = 1) Increments metric $key by value $value. If $value is unspecified then 1 will be used. $self->append_bulk($hash, $prefix = undef) Increments metrics specified in $hash. The $hash format: $hash = {key1 => $value1, key2 => $value2, ...}; The second argument is optional and it specifies the common prefix. If prefix doesn't contain a dot at the end, then it will be added automatically. $self->is_valid_key($key) Returns 1 if $key is valid for usage as Graphite metric path. Otherwise returns 0. $self->get_invalid_key_counter() Returns the amount of invalid metrics detected by "is_valid_key" method. $self->check_and_bump_invalid_metric($key) If "get_invalid_key_counter" returns a non-zero value, then this value will be written into passed $key. IF passed $key is invalid, then invalid key counter will be bumped by 1. $self->is_metric_blocked($key) Returns 1 if $key matches with regular expression set with "set_blocked_metrics_re" or "block_metrics_re". Otherwise returns 0. $self->set_blocked_metrics_re($re = undef) Sets regular expression to detect blocked metrics. Such metrics won't be added to result. If $re is omitted or undefined then no any detection for blocked metrics will be used. DESTROY Destructor. Destroys object. AUTHOR Chernenko Dmitiry LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0).