An interactive shell command plugin for Devel::Trepan

    This adds a "shell" command with alias "" to the Devel::Trepan
    debugger, The command goes into a Devel::REPL shell from
    inside the debugger.

    But wait, there's more!

    This package also contains some Devel::REPL plugins for entering both
    the Devel::Trepan debugger and the tried-and-true perl5db. debugger,
    from a shell:

    To call the debuggers inside **, first run or put in your
    ~/* file:

        $_REPL->load_plugin('Trepan');         # to go into the trepan debugger
        $_REPL->load_plugin('Perl5db');        # to go into the perl5db debugger

    And then in your ** session:

        %trepan Perl-expression-or-statement    # enter Devel::Trepan debugger
        %perl5db Perl-expression-or-statement   # enter Perl5db

    Rocky Bernstein

    Copyright (C) 2012 Rocky Bernstein <>

    This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, including but not
    limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
    particular purpose.

    The program is free software. You may distribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation (either version 2 or any later version) and the
    Perl Artistic License as published by O�筻eilly Media, Inc. Please open
    the files named gpl-2.0.txt and Artistic for a copy of these licenses.