Module::Package - Postmodern Perl Module Packaging

    In your "Makefile.PL":

        use inc::Module::Package;

    or one of these invocations:

        # These two are functionally the same as above:
        use inc::Module::Package ':basic';
        use inc::Module::Package 'Plugin:basic';

        # With Module::Package::Catalyst plugin options
        use inc::Module::Package 'Catalyst';

        # With Module::Package::Catalyst::common inline plugin class
        use inc::Module::Package 'Catalyst:common';

        # Pass options to the Module::Package::Ingy::modern constructor
        use inc::Module::Package 'Ingy:modern',
            option1 => 'value1',
            option2 => 'value2';

    This module is a dropin replacement for Module::Install. It does
    everything Module::Install does, but just a bit better.

    Actually this module is simply a wrapper around Module::Install. It
    attempts to drastically reduce what goes in a Makefile.PL, while at the
    same time, fixing many of the problems that people have had with
    Module::Install (and other module frameworks) over the years.

    Module::Install took Makefile.PL authoring from a black art to a small
    set of powerful and reusable instructions. It allowed packaging gurus to
    take their fancy tricks and make them into one liners for the rest of

    As the number of plugins has grown over the years, using Module::Install
    has itself become a bit of a black art. It's become hard to know all the
    latest tricks, put them in the correct order, and make sure you always
    use the correct sets for your various Perl modules.

    Added to this is the fact that there are a few problems in
    Module::Install design and general usage that are hard to fix and deploy
    with certainty that it will work in all cases.

    This is where Module::Package steps in. Module::Package is the next
    logical step in Makefile.PL authoring. It allows gurus to create well
    tested sets of Module::Install directives, and lets the rest of us use
    Makefile.PLs that are one line long. For example:

        use inc::Module::Package 'Catalyst:widget';

    could be the one line Makefile.PL for a Catalyst widget (whatever that
    is) module distribution. Assuming someone creates a module called
    Module::Package::Catalyst, with an inline class called
    Module::Package::Catalyst::widget that inherited from

    Module::Package is pragmatic. Even though you can do everything in one
    line, you are still able to make any Module::Install calls as usual.
    Also you can pass parameters to the Module::Package plugin.

        use inc::Module::Package 'Catalyst:widget',
            deps_list => 0,
            some_cataylst_thing => '...';

        # All Module::Install plugins still work!
        requires 'Some::Module' => 3.14;

    This allows Module::Package::Catalyst to be configurable, even on the
    properties like "deps_list" that are inherited from

    The point here is that with Module::Package, module packaging just got a
    whole lot more powerful and simple. A rare combination!

    Module::Package has many advantages over vanilla Module::Install.

  Smaller Makefile.PL Files
    In the majority of cases you can reduce your Makefile.PL to a single
    command. The core Module::Package invokes the Module::Install plugins
    that it thinks you want. You can also name the Module::Package plugin
    that does exactly the plugins you want.

  Reduces Module::Install Bloat
    Somewhere Module::Install development went awry, and allowed modules
    that only have useful code for an author, to be bundled into a
    distribution. Over time, this has created a lot of wasted space on CPAN
    mirrors. Module::Package fixes this.

  Collaborator Plugin Discovery
    An increasing problem with Module::Install is that when people check out
    your module source from a repository, they don't know which
    Module::Install plugin modules you have used. That's because the
    Makefile.PL only requires the function names, not the module names that
    they come from.

    Many people have realized this problem, and worked around it in various
    suboptimal ways. Module::Package manages this problem for you.

  Feature Grouping and Reuse
    Module::Install has lots of plugins. Although it is possible with plain
    Module::Install, nobody seems to make plugins that group other plugins.
    This also might introduce subtle problems of using groups with other

    Module::Package has object oriented plugins whose main purpose is to
    create these groups. They inherit base functionality, subclass it to
    their design goals and can define options for the user to tweak how they
    will operate.

    The basic anatomy of a Makefile.PL call to Module::Package is:

        use inc::Module::Package 'PluginName:flavor <version>',
            $option1 => $value1;

    The "inc::Module::Package" part uses the Module::Install "inc"
    bootstrapping trick.

    "PluginName:flavor" (note the single ':') resolves to the inline class
    "Module::Package::PluginName::flavor", within the module
    "Module::Package::PluginName". Module::Package::PluginName::flavor must
    be a subclass of Module::Package::Plugin.

    An optional version can be used after the plugin name.

    Optional key/value pairs can follow the Plugin specification. They are
    used to pass information to the plugin. See Plugin docs for more

    If ":flavor" is omitted, the class Module::Package::PluginName is used.
    The idea is that you can create a single module with many different
    plugin styles.

    If "PluginName" is omitted, then ":flavor" is used against
    Module::Package::Plugin. These are a set of common plugin classes that
    you can use.

    If "PluginName:flavor" is omitted altogether, it is the same as saying
    'Plugin:basic'. Note that you need to specify the ':basic' plugin if you
    want to also pass it options.

    This is still an early release. We are still shaking out the bugs. You
    might want to hold off for a bit longer before using Module::Package for
    important modules.

    *   Module::Package::Plugin

    *   Module::Install::Package

    *   Module::Package::Tutorial

    Ingy d繹t Net <>

    Copyright (c) 2011. Ingy d繹t Net.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
