NAME Test::PAUSE::ConsistentPermissions VERSION version 0.001 DESCRIPTION This module is designed to check the permissions of this distribution and ensure that they are consistent. This checks that for all the modules in the distribution the owner and comaintainer are the same. To perform your own checks in some way other than a simple test look at the Test::PAUSE::ConsistentPermissions::Check module. Note that this is different to checking that the current author has permission to upload this module. use Test::More; use Test::PAUSE::ConsistentPermissions; all_permissions_consistent 'Test::PAUSE::ConsistentPermissions'; done_testing; These test will only run if the RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set, otherwise they will skip. Note that missing permissions will not cause a test failure, but if you are in verbose mode a note will be made. This is because when you're doing a release including new files those permissions will indeed not be found. The success message will be subtly different when the permissions don't exist for some of the modules you are about to upload. For a script to check modules on CPAN see pause-check-distro-perms. NAME Test::PAUSE::ConsistentPermissions - Check your PAUSE permissions are consistent in your distribution. FUNCTIONS all_permissions_consistent This needs to be passed the core module name. SEE ALSO * App::PAUSE::CheckPerms An application to check if an authors permissions are consistent. * Test::PAUSE::Permissions This module allows you to ensure that you will be able to upload your module succesfully. The test part of this module is heavily based on that module. AUTHOR Colin Newell <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Colin Newell. This is free software, licensed under: The MIT (X11) License