CGI::AppBuilder - CGI Application Builder

      use CGI::AppBuilder::Apps;

      my $cg = CGI::AppBuilder::Apps->new('ifn', 'my_init.cfg', 'opt', 'vhS:a:');
      my $ar = $cg->get_inputs;

    There are already many application builders out there. Why you need
    another one? Well, if you are already familiar with CGI::Builder or
    CGI::Application, this one will provide some useful methods to you to
    read your configuration file and pre-process your templates. Please read

   new (ifn => 'file.cfg', opt => 'hvS:')
    Input variables:

      $ifn  - input/initial file name. 
      $opt  - options for Getopt::Std

    Variables used or routines called:


    How to use:

       my $ca = new CGI::AppBuilder::Apps;      # or
       my $ca = CGI::AppBuilder::Apps->new;     # or
       my $ca = CGI::AppBuilder::Apps->new(ifn=>'file.cfg',opt=>'hvS:'); # or
       my $ca = CGI::AppBuilder::Apps->new('ifn', 'file.cfg','opt','hvS:');

    Return: new empty or initialized CGI::AppBuilder::Apps object.

    This method constructs a Perl object and capture any parameters if
    specified. It creates and defaults the following variables:

      $self->{ifn} = ""
      $self->{opt} = 'hvS:';

   start_app ($prg,$arg,$nhh)
    Input variables:

      $prg  - program name 
      $arg  - array ref for arguments - %ARGV
      $nhh  - no html header pre-printed 
              0 - HTML header will be set when it is possible
              1 - no HTML header is set in any circumstance

    Variables used or routines called:

      build_html_header     - build HTML header array
      echo_msg              - echo messages
      start_log             - start and write message log
      get_inputs            - read input file and/or CGI form inputs

    How to use:

       my ($q, $ar, $ar_log) = $self->start_app($0,\@ARGV);

    Return: ($q,$ar,$ar_log) where

      $q - a CGI object
      $ar - hash ref containing parameters from input file and/or 
            CGI form inputs and the following elements:
        ifn - initial file name
        opt - command input options
        cfg - configuration array
        html_header - HTML header parameters (hash ref)
        msg - contain message hash
      $ar_log - hash ref containing log information

    This method performs the following tasks:

      1) initial a CGI object
      2) read initial file if specified or search for a default file
         and save the file name to $ar->{ifn}. The default file is your 
         program name with .ini extension. For instance, if your CGI program
         name is '', it will look for a file named 'myapp.ini'. 
      3) define message level. Default to level 1. 
      4) start HTML header and body using I<page_title> and I<page_style>
         if they are defined.
      5) parse CGI form inputs and combine them with parameters defined
         in initial file
      6) read configuration file ($prg.cfgi, for instance 'myapp.cfg') if it 
         exists and save the array to $ar->{cfg}
      7) prepare log record if writing log is enabled

    It checks the parameters read from initial file for page_title,
    page_style, page_author, page_meta, top_nav, bottom_nav, and js_src.

   end_app ($q, $ar, $ar_log, $nhh)
    Input variables:

      $q    - CGI object 
      $ar   - array ref for parameters 
      $ar_log - hash ref for log record
      $nhh  - no html header pre-printed 
              1 - no HTML is printed in any circumstance
              0 - HTML header will be printed when it is possible

    Variables used or routines called:

      echo_msg - echo messages
      end_log - start and write message log
      set_param - get a parameter from hash array

    How to use:

       my ($q, $ar, $ar_log) = $self->start_app($0,\@ARGV);
       $self->end_app($q, $ar, $ar_log);

    Return: none

    This method performs the following tasks:

      1) ends HTML document 
      2) writes log records to log files 
      3) close database connection if it finds DB handler in {dbh}

    *   Version 0.10

        This version is to extract out the app methods from CGI::Getopt
        class. It was too much for CGI::Getopt to include the start_app,
        end_app, build_html_header, and disp_form methods.

          0.11 Rewrote start_app method so that content-type can be changed.
          0.12 Moved disp_form to CGI::AppBuilder::Form,
               moved build_html_header to CGI::AppBuilder::Header, and 
               imported all the methods in sub-classes into this class.

    *   Version 1.0001

        The start_app and end_app were extracted out of CGI::AppBuilder
        class and formed this sub class.

SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often)
    Oracle::Loader, Oracle::Trigger, CGI::Getopt, File::Xcopy,
    CGI::AppBuilder, CGI::AppBuilder::Message, CGI::AppBuilder::Log,
    CGI::AppBuilder::Config, etc.

    Copyright (c) 2005 ~ 2015 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved.

    This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or
    implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under
    the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see

    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 309:
        You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'