NAME Time::Local::Extended - Extends 2038 barrier to 2098. SYNOPSIS use Time::Local::Extended qw(:ALL); my @localtime = localtime(2**31); my $seconds = timelocal(0,0,0,1,10,170); my $gmt_seconds = timegm(0,0,0,1,10,170); my $gmt_time = gmtime(2**31); my $ux_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2097-07-04 12:34:56'); my $date = FROM_UNIXTIME(2**31); my $sql = qq( SELECT start_time FROM projects WHERE project_id = '1' ); my $date_time = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql); # '2097-07-04 12:34:56' my $ux_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP($date_time); # 4023794096 my $date_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(2**31); my $sql = qq( UPDATE projects SET start_time = '$date_time' WHERE project_id = '1' ); DESCRIPTION This module extends the 2038 date boundary to 2098. In conventional date manipulation using CORE::localtime and Time::Local::timelocal, you cannot use dates later than 2038. This module allows you to use dates as far out as 2098, giving you sixty more years to postpone the problem. PUBLIC METHODS * timelocal Invoked in the same way as Time::Local::timelocal, but supports dates up to Jan 1, 2098. * localtime Invoked in the same way as CORE::localtime, but supports dates up to Jan 18, 2098. * timegm Invoked in the same way as Time::Local::timegm, but supports dates up to Jan 1, 2098. * gmtime Invoked in the same way as CORE::gmtime, but supports dates up to Jan 18, 2098. * UNIX_TIMESTAMP Invoked similarly to the MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function, but supports dates up to Jan 1, 2098. * FROM_UNIXTIME Invoked similarly to the MySQL FROM_UNIXTIME() function, but supports dates up to Jan 18, 2098. BUGS Please e-mail bug reports or suggestions to Thanks! TODO 1) Trap Time::Local::timelocal die in an eval {}. 2) Add support for timelocal_nocheck and timegm_nocheck. 3) Add tests for time zones other than Eastern. 4) Clean up. Lots of clean up. CREDITS Thanks to Peter Kioko <> for helping to refine the idea. Thanks to Adam Foxson <> for quality assurance and for being the Human CPAN Reference Manual. AUTHOR Bob O'Neill, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Bob O'Neill. All rights reserved. See COPYING for license SEE ALSO * perl. * Time::Local.