NAME Net::Flickr::RDF - a.k.a RDF::Describes::Flickr SYNOPSIS use Net::Flickr::RDF; use Config::Simple; use IO::AtomicFile; my $cfg = Config::Simple->new("/path/to/my.cfg"); my $rdf = Net::Flickr::RDF->new($cfg); my $fh = IO::AtomicFile->open("/foo/bar.rdf","w"); $rdf->describe_photo({photo_id => 123, secret => 567, fh => \*$fh}); $fh->close(); DESCRIPTION Describe Flickr photos as RDF. This package inherits from *Net::Flickr::API*. OPTIONS Options are passed to Net::Flickr::Backup using a Config::Simple object or a valid Config::Simple config file. Options are grouped by "block". flickr * api_key String. *required* A valid Flickr API key. * api_secret String. *required* A valid Flickr Auth API secret key. * auth_token String. *required* A valid Flickr Auth API token. PACKAGE METHODS __PACKAGE__->new($cfg) Where $cfg is either a valid *Config::Simple* object or the path to a file that can be parsed by *Config::Simple*. Returns a *Net::Flickr::RDF* object. PACKAGE METHODS YOU MAY CARE ABOUT __PACKAGE__->build_photo_uri(\%data) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_geo_uri(\%data) __PACKAGE__->build_user_tag_uri(\@data) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_global_tag_uri(\@data) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_user_uri($user_id) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_group_uri($group_id) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_grouppool_uri($group_id) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->build_photoset_uri(\%set_data) Returns a URL as a string. __PACKAGE__->prune_triples(\@triples) Removes duplicate triples from *@triples*. Returns an array reference. OBJECT METHODS YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT $obj->describe_photo(\%args) Valid arguments are : * photo_id Int. *required* * secret String. * fh File-handle. Default is STDOUT. Returns true or false. OBJECT METHODS YOU MAY CARE ABOUT $obj->collect_photo_data($photo_id,$secret) Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a photo. If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the log method and the method returns undef. $obj->collect_group_data($group_id) Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a group. If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the log method and the method returns undef. $obj->collect_user_data($user_id) Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a user. If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the log method and the method returns undef. $obj->collect_photoset_data($photoset_id) Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a photoset. If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the log method and the method returns undef. $obj->collect_cc_data() Returns a hash ref of the Creative Commons licenses used by Flickr. If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the log method and the method returns undef. $obj->collect_comment_data() Returns a hash ref of comments made about a photo. $obj->make_photo_triples(\%data) Returns an array ref (or alist in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a photo (*%data*). $obj->make_user_triples(\%user_data) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a user (*%user_data*). $obj->make_tag_triples(\@tag_data) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a tag (*@tag_data*). $pkg->make_photoset_triples(\%set_data) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a photoset (*%set_data*). $obj->make_geo_triples(\%geo_data) $obj->make_group_triples(\%group_data) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a group (*%group_data*). $obj->make_grouppool_triples(\%group_data) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a group pool (*%group_data*). $obj->make_cc_triples($url) Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a Creative Commons license (*$url*). $obj->make_comment_triples(\%data) Returns an array ref (or alist in a wantarray context) of array refs of the meta data associated with a photo comment (*%data*). $obj->geodata_from_tags(\%data) Try to parse out geolocative data from a collection of tag data. Returns a hash ref (containing 'lat' and 'long' keys) on success or undef if there were no matches. $obj->namespaces() Returns a hash ref of the prefixes and namespaces used by *Net::Flickr::RDF* The default key/value pairs are : a acl atom cc dc dcterms exif exifi flickr x-urn:flickr: foaf geo i rdf rdfs skos ymaps urn:yahoo:maps $obj->namespace_prefix($uri) Return the namespace prefix for *$uri* $obj->uri_shortform($prefix,$name) Returns a string in the form of *prefix*:*property*. The property is the value of $name. The prefix passed may or may be the same as the prefix returned depending on whether or not the user has defined or redefined their own list of namespaces. Unless this package is subclassed the prefix passed to the method is assumed to be one of prefixes in the default list of namespaces. $obj->api_call(\%args) Valid args are : * method A string containing the name of the Flickr API method you are calling. * args A hash ref containing the key value pairs you are passing to *method* If the method encounters any errors calling the API, receives an API error or can not parse the response it will log an error event, via the log method, and return undef. Otherwise it will return a *XML::LibXML::Document* object (if XML::LibXML is installed) or a *XML::XPath* object. $obj->log() Returns a *Log::Dispatch* object. $obj->serialise_triples(\@triples,\*$fh) Print *@triples* as RDF/XML to a filehandle (*$fh*). If no filehandle is defined, prints to STDOUT. $obj->serialize_triples(\@triples,\*$fh) An alias for *serialise_triples* VERSION 1.92 DATE $Date: 2006/09/01 15:42:23 $ AUTHOR Aaron Straup Cope <> EXAMPLES CONFIG FILES This is an example of a Config::Simple file used to collect RDF data from Flickr [flickr] api_key=asd6234kjhdmbzcxi6e323 api_secret=s00p3rs3k3t auth_token=123-omgwtf4u RDF This is an example of an RDF dump for a photograph backed up from Flickr : <?xml version='1.0'?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:acl="" xmlns:exif="" xmlns:skos="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:exifi="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:flickr="x-urn:flickr:" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:i="" > <flickr:photo rdf:about=""> <dc:description></dc:description> <geo:long>-122.417068</geo:long> <acl:access>visbility</acl:access> <geo:lat>37.7742</geo:lat> <dc:created>2005-08-02T18:12:19-0700</dc:created> <dc:title>20050802(007).jpg</dc:title> <acl:accessor>public</acl:accessor> <dc:dateSubmitted>2005-08-02T18:16:20-0700</dc:dateSubmitted> <cc:license rdf:resource=""/> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:photo> <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about=""> <dcterms:relation>Square</dcterms:relation> <exifi:height>75</exifi:height> <exifi:width>75</exifi:width> <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> </dcterms:StillImage> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>california</skos:prefLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:comment rdf:about=""> <dc:identifier>6065-30763528-8400103</dc:identifier> <dc:created>2005-08-02T18:52:23</dc:created> <a:body>moooaahahaahahmooo</a:body> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:comment> <flickr:user rdf:about=""> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>b2310525591ca71b1cb9c2e3226dec1765d76c1e</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:name></foaf:name> <foaf:nick>karlcow</foaf:nick> </flickr:user> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>326 181 97 25</i:boundingBox> <a:body>Did you see that this shirt makes me a beautiful breast?</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>9 205 145 55</i:boundingBox> <a:body>Do you want my opinion? There's a love affair going on here�� Anyway. Talking non sense. We all know Heather is committed to Flickr. She even only dresses at FlickrApparel. Did they say &quot;No Logo&quot;. Doh Dude.</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <flickr:photoset rdf:about=""> <dc:description></dc:description> <dc:title>Flickr</dc:title> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:photoset> <flickr:user rdf:about=""> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>00d5b413e52b4d7d35dc982102c49e930a0ef631</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:name>George Oates</foaf:name> <foaf:nick>George</foaf:nick> </flickr:user> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>355 31 103 95</i:boundingBox> <a:body>(Yes�� I love you heather, you are my dream star)</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:tag"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>usa</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>california</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>geotagged</skos:prefLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>san francisco</skos:prefLabel> <skos:altLabel>sanfrancisco</skos:altLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:user rdf:about=""> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>479d12dec2090705278d8b2af2c50ac2c46b94d4</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:name>heather powazek champ</foaf:name> <foaf:nick>heather</foaf:nick> </flickr:user> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>geotagged</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about=""> <dcterms:relation>Medium</dcterms:relation> <exifi:height>375</exifi:height> <exifi:width>500</exifi:width> <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> </dcterms:StillImage> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:altLabel>geolat377742</skos:altLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="geo:lat=37.7742"/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>202 224 50 50</i:boundingBox> <a:body>dude! who did this?</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>cameraphone</skos:prefLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:user rdf:about=""> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>a4d1b5e38db5e2ed4f847f9f09fd51cf59bc0d3f</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:name>Aaron Straup Cope</foaf:name> <foaf:nick>straup</foaf:nick> </flickr:user> <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:comment"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>468 141 22 26</i:boundingBox> <a:body>*sigh*</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>usa</skos:prefLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>cameraphone</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <exif:flash>32</exif:flash> <exif:digitalZoomRatio>100/100</exif:digitalZoomRatio> <exif:isoSpeedRatings>1250</exif:isoSpeedRatings> <exif:pixelXDimension>1280</exif:pixelXDimension> <exif:apertureValue>336/100</exif:apertureValue> <exif:pixelYDimension>960</exif:pixelYDimension> <exif:focalLength>4.5 mm</exif:focalLength> <exif:dateTimeDigitized>2005-08-02T18:12:19PDT</exif:dateTimeDigitized> <exif:colorSpace>sRGB</exif:colorSpace> <exif:fNumber>f/3.2</exif:fNumber> <exif:dateTimeOriginal>2005-08-02T18:12:19PDT</exif:dateTimeOriginal> <exif:shutterSpeedValue>4321/1000</exif:shutterSpeedValue> <exif:exposureTime>0.05 sec (263/5260)</exif:exposureTime> <exif:gainControl>High gain up</exif:gainControl> </rdf:Description> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>357 193 81 28</i:boundingBox> <a:body>eww!</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>sanfrancisco</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <flickr:comment rdf:about=""> <dc:identifier>6065-30763528-8399772</dc:identifier> <dc:created>2005-08-02T18:44:52</dc:created> <a:body>&quot;you have been note-spammed by a passing mad cow...&quot; :)</a:body> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:comment> <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about=""> <dcterms:relation>Small</dcterms:relation> <exifi:height>180</exifi:height> <exifi:width>240</exifi:width> <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> </dcterms:StillImage> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>geolong122417068</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>184 164 50 50</i:boundingBox> <a:body>Baaaaarp!</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about=""> <dcterms:relation>Thumbnail</dcterms:relation> <exifi:height>75</exifi:height> <exifi:width>100</exifi:width> <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> </dcterms:StillImage> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>433 103 50 50</i:boundingBox> <a:body>(fuck�� fuck��)</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:user"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> <flickr:grouppool rdf:about=""> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:grouppool> <flickr:user rdf:about=""> <foaf:mbox_sha1sum>e0d207bb5643d4d7dd60e72d4ce2a94bae0e13b6</foaf:mbox_sha1sum> <foaf:name>Boris Anthony</foaf:name> <foaf:nick>bopuc</foaf:nick> </flickr:user> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:altLabel>geolong122417068</skos:altLabel> <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/> <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="geo:long=-122.417068"/> <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:tag> <flickr:group rdf:about=""> <dc:description></dc:description> <dc:title>aaronland</dc:title> </flickr:group> <flickr:tag rdf:about=""> <skos:prefLabel>geolat377742</skos:prefLabel> </flickr:tag> <cc:License rdf:about=""> <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/> <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/> <cc:requires rdf:resource=""/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/> </cc:License> <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about=""> <dcterms:relation>Original</dcterms:relation> <exifi:height>960</exifi:height> <exifi:width>1280</exifi:width> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/> </dcterms:StillImage> <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:note"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Description> <flickr:note rdf:about=""> <i:boundingBox>342 197 28 33</i:boundingBox> <a:body>Is that just one big boob, or...?</a:body> <i:regionDepicts rdf:resource=""/> <a:author rdf:resource=""/> <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/> </flickr:note> </rdf:RDF> SEE ALSO Net::Flickr::API RDF::Simple TO DO * Methods for describing more than just a photo; groups, tags, etc. * Update bounding boxes to be relative to individual images * Proper tests Patches are welcome. BUGS Please report all bugs via LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved. This is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.