Lingy - A Perl implementation of Clojure


    Run the Lingy REPL:

        $ lingy
        Welcome to Lingy [perl]
        user=> (p<TAB>
        pos?     println  prn      pr-str
        user=> (prn "Hello, world!")
        "Hello, world!"

    or a Lingy one-liner:

        $ lingy -e '(println "Hello, world!")'
        Hello, world!

    or run a Lingy program file:

        $ echo '(println "Hello, world!")' >
        $ lingy
        Hello, world!

    or run an example Lingy program:

        $ wget -q
        $ cat
        (defn main [number]
          (let [
            paragraphs (map paragraph (range number 0 -1)) ]
            (map println paragraphs)))
        (defn paragraph [num]
            (bottles num) " of beer on the wall,\n"
            (bottles num) " of beer.\n"
            "Take one down, pass it around.\n"
            (bottles (dec num)) " of beer on the wall.\n"))
        (defn bottles [n]
            (= n 0) "No more bottles"
            (= n 1) "1 bottle"
            :else (str n " bottles")))
        (main (nth *ARGV* 0 99))
        $ lingy 3
        3 bottles of beer on the wall,
        3 bottles of beer.
        Take one down, pass it around.
        2 bottles of beer on the wall.
        2 bottles of beer on the wall,
        2 bottles of beer.
        Take one down, pass it around.
        1 bottle of beer on the wall.
        1 bottle of beer on the wall,
        1 bottle of beer.
        Take one down, pass it around.
        No more bottles of beer on the wall.


    Lingy is in ALPHA status.


    Lingy is an implementation of the Clojure language that is written in
    Perl and hosted by Perl. Programs and modules written in Lingy have
    full access to Perl and its CPAN modules.

    Perl modules can be written in Lingy and distributed on CPAN. (In the
    future) Lingy code is compiled to a bytecode and should perform on the
    same order of magnitude as XS modules.

    Since Lingy will be a complete Clojure implementation, it should be
    able to run programs written in Clojure and make use of libraries
    written in Clojure.

    Clojure is a language that cleanly solves many of the problems of Java
    including making concurrency simple, and writing functional programs
    with mostly immutable data types. It is a Lisp dialect that is hosted
    by Java and compiles to JVM byte code. It has access to any libraries
    that target the JVM.

    Much of the Clojure language is written in Clojure (self hosted) and
    Lingy actually uses the Clojure source code. A variant of Clojure
    called ClojureScript uses the same Clojure source code but is hosted by
    JavaScript with full access to NPM modules. Lingy also intends to
    eventually be ported to and hosted by many other programming languages.

    Lingy started as a Perl implementation
    <> of the
    Make a Lisp <> project. This provided a
    bare-bones Clojure-inspired Lisp interpreter from which Lingy has grown


        cpanm Lingy


    The Lingy language installs a command lingy. You can use this command
    to run Lingy programs, start a Lingy REPL or run Lingy one-liner

      * lingy --repl (or just lingy)

      Starts a Lingy interactive REPL. The REPL has readline support that

	* Command history

	* CTL-R searching

	* Parentheses match highlighting

	* CTL-C to abort a command w/o leaving REPL

      Use CTL-D to exit the REPL

      * lingy foo bar

      Run a Lingy program passing in arguments. Arguments are available in
      Lingy as *ARGV*.

      * cat | lingy - foo bar

      Run a Lingy program from STDIN and pass in arguments. The - means run
      from STDIN instead of a file. If there are no arguments you can omit
      the -.

      * lingy -e '(println "Hello" (nth *ARGV* 0))' world

      Run a Lingy one-liner with arguments.

      When used with --repl, run the -e code first, then enter the REPL.


      * -e <string>, --eval=<string>

      A Lingy string to evaluate.

      * -r, --repl

      Start a Lingy REPL. Can be used with -e.

      * --ppp

      Print the Lingy compiled AST for a -e expression.

      * --xxx

      YAML dump the Lingy compiled AST for a -e expression.


      * Clojure <>

      * YAMLScript <>

      * Test::More::YAMLScript


      * Ingy d繹t Net <>


    Copyright 2023 by Ingy d繹t Net

    This is free software, licensed under:

    The MIT (X11) License