MIME-EncWords Package.

Copyright (C) 2006-2013 by Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <hatuka(at)nezumi.nu>.

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
under the same terms as Perl itself.


Two modules and some supporting program files are contained. For more
details read following POD documentations:

    MIME::EncWords - deal with RFC 2047 encoded words (improved)
    Encode::MIME::EncWords - MIME 'B' and 'Q' header encoding (alternative)

For japonophones, POD in Japanese language is also included:

    POD2::JA::MIME::EncWords - RFC 2047 encoded-word �硄�� (�㺿�����)
    POD2::JA::Encode::MIME::EncWords - MIME �柴�𩱳�溻�颯�熑�溻�塩�����具�喋�喋�潦�����喋�� (隞�𤜯獢�)
