NAME App::QuoteCC - Take a quote file and emit a standalone program that spews a random quote SYNOPSIS Compile a quotes file to a stand-alone binary: curl | quotecc -i - -I YAML -o - -O C | gcc -x c -o failo-wisdom - curl | quotecc -i - -I Fortune -o - -O C | gcc -x c -o perl-wisdom - Or to a fast stand-alone minimal Perl script: curl | quotecc -i - -I YAML -o -O Perl curl | quotecc -i - -I Fortune -o -O Perl See how small they are: $ du -sh *-wisdom* 56K failo-wisdom 44K 80K perl-wisdom 76K Emit a random quote with the C program: time (./failo-wisdom && ./perl-wisdom) Support Batman - vote for the British National Party < dha> Now all I have to do is learn php <@sungo> it's easy. <@sungo> take your perl knowledge. now smash it against child pornography real 0m0.004s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.008s Or with the Perl program: $ time (perl && perl I just see foreign words like private public static void feces implements shit extending penis <@pndc> Imagine if cleaners were treated like sysadmins. "I've just pissed all over the office floor; it's the cleaner's fault." real 0m0.022s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.004s Emit all quotes: ./failo-wisdom --all > /tmp/quotes.txt Emit quotes to interactive shells on login, in /etc/profile: # spread failo's wisdom to interactive shells if [[ $- == *i* ]] ; then failo-wisdom fi DESCRIPTION I wrote this program because using fortune(1) and Perl in /etc/profile to emit a random quote on login was too slow. On my system fortune(1) can take ~100 ms from a cold start, although subsequent invocations when it's in cache are ~10-20 ms. Similarly using Perl is also slow, this is in the 80 ms range: perl -COEL -MYAML::XS=LoadFile -E'@q = @{ LoadFile("/path/to/quotes.yml") }; @q && say $q[rand @q]' Either way, when you have a 40 ms ping time to the remote machine showing that quote is the major noticeable delay when you do *ssh machine*. quotecc solves that problem, showing a quote takes around 4 ms now. That's comparable with any hello wold program in C that I produce. AUTHOR �var Arnfj繹r簸 Bjarmason <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010 �var Arnfj繹r簸 Bjarmason <> This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.