| Minecraft::RCON |

This library is intended to provide a nice way to interface with the Minecraft
remote console, commonly referred to as RCON.

It supports logging in and the sending of command as well as recieving the
result of those commands back.  As far as I know, this is the complete
feature-set of RCON, making this a complete implementation.


To install this module, type the following:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build install

There are no tests to be performed yet.  Future versons might have them, but for
now I'm at a loss as to how I would test without requiring an actual minecraft
server to test against.  Suggestions are very welcome.


The POD should be close enough to good documentation to make use of this module.
I've also included a script, mcrcon.pl, that should demonstrate the module's
intended use and possibilities.
If you have questions or suggestions about the usability of the module, feel
free to contact fredrik@webkonsept.com


Requires IO::Socket, specifically IO::Socket::INET, version 1.18 or later.
1.18 introduced automatic flushing of all sockets, which is super-handy.

Requires Term::ANSIColor 3.02 or later, used in the color translation from
Minecraft color codes to terminal color codes.

I've tested this with perl as far down as 5.8.8, where it worked fine.  While I
do recomend you get yourself a more recent perl than that, it should not be
required to use this module.


Mojang AB, the owners of the Minecraft trademark and employer of the authors of
Minecraft, have probably never heard of me.  I am not affiliated or endorsed by
them in any way.  The fact that I tweeted about this module, and got a short
response from a Mojang employee does not mean they are aware of this module any
As such, I will get no more advance notice than anyone else when/if the RCON
protocol changes, so if they break it on their end I'll have to fix it on my end
without their help.

Endorsement the other way does exist, however.  I whole-heartedly endorse Mojang
AB, their current business practices and their product Minecraft.  I enjoy a
splash of Minecrafting almost every day, and I enjoy being a server


The trademark "Minecraft" is owned by Mojang AB, and all rights to it are
reserved by them.
I've used "Minecraft" in my namespace in a way I believe follows their
guidelines put forth in http://www.minecraft.net/brand-guidelines
I invite anyone to point it out if I've made a mistake.

The perl code was written by Fredrik Vold, but no copyright is claimed.
You are hereby licensed to do as you please with this code, and while it would
be nice of you to mention me when using the code, it is not required.

Note, however, that this means you are not entitled to any support unless I feel
like it, and that there are no warranties what so ever attached to this code.

I'd love to hear from you if you use my code:  fredrik@webkonsept.com