=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile - "render_file" helper for Mojolicious  


    # Mojolicious

    # Mojolicious::Lite
    plugin 'RenderFile';
    # In controller
    $self->render_file(filepath => '/tmp/files/file.pdf'); # file name will "file.pdf"
    # Provide any file name
    $self->render_file(filepath => '/tmp/files/file.pdf',  'filename' => 'report.pdf');


L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile> is a L<Mojolicious> plugin that adds "render_file" helper. It does not read file in memory and just streaming it to client. 

=head1 HELPERS

=head2 C<render_file>

    $self->render_file(filepath => '/tmp/files/file.pdf',  'filename' => 'report.pdf');

With this helper you can easily provide files for download. By default content-type is "application/x-download". Therefore, a browser will ask where to save file.

This plugin respects HTTP Range headers. 

Register plugin in L<Mojolicious> application.

=head1 AUTHOR

Viktor Turskyi <koorchik@cpan.org>


Nils Diewald (Akron)

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to Github L<https://github.com/koorchik/Mojolicious-Plugin-RenderFile>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.
