NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::HttpBasicAuth - Http-Basic-Authentication implementation for Mojolicious SYNOPSIS # in your startup $self->plugin( 'http_basic_auth', { validate => sub { my $c = shift; my $loginname = shift; my $password = shift; my $realm = shift; return 1 if($realm eq 'Evergreen Terrace' && $loginname eq 'Homer' && $password eq 'Marge'); return 0; }, realm => 'Evergreen Terrace' } ); # in your routes sub index { my $self = shift; return unless $self->basic_auth(\%options); $self->render(); } # or bridged my $foo = $r->bridge('/bridge')->to(cb => sub { my $self = shift; # Authenticated return unless $self->basic_auth({realm => 'Castle Bridge', validate => sub {return 1;}}); }); $foo->route('/bar')->to(controller => 'foo', action => 'bar'); DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::HttpBasicAuth is a implementation of the Http-Basic-Authentication OPTIONS Mojolicious::Plugin::HttpBasicAuth supports the following options. realm $self->plugin('http_basic_auth', {realm => 'My Castle!'}); HTTP-Realm, defaults to 'WWW' validate $self->plugin('http_basic_auth', { validate => sub { my $c = shift; my $loginname = shift; my $password = shift; my $realm = shift; return 1 if($realm eq 'Springfield' && $loginname eq 'Homer' && $password eq 'Marge'); return 0; } }); Validation callback to verify user. This option is mandatory. invalid $self->plugin('http_basic_auth', { invalid => sub { my $controller = shift; return ( json => { json => { error => 'HTTP 401: Unauthorized' } }, html => { template => 'auth/basic' }, any => { data => 'HTTP 401: Unauthorized' } ); } }); Callback for invalid requests, default can be seen here. Return values are dispatched to "respond_to" in Mojolicious::Controller HELPERS Mojolicious::Plugin::HttpBasicAuth implements the following helpers. basic_auth return unless $self->basic_auth({realm => 'Kitchen'}); All default options can be overwritten in every call. METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::HttpBasicAuth inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones. register my $route = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new); my $route = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, {realm => 'Fort Knox', validate => sub { return 0; }}); Register renderer and helper in Mojolicious application. SEE ALSO Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, AUTHOR Patrick Gr瓣mer <> , CONTRIBUTOR Markus Michel <> , COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 Patrick Gr瓣mer LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.