Net::Amazon::AlexaValidator - implements all security-related checks
    required for Amazon Alexa Skills.


      my $alexa_validator = Net::Amazon::AlexaValidator->new({
        application_id => 'my_application_id_from_amazon_dev_site',
        echo_domain    => '',
        cert_dir       => '/tmp/',
      my $request = $c->req; # Requires a L<Catalyst::Request> object
      my $ret = $alexa_validator->validate_request($request);


    Highlights of the validation include:

      * Verifies the Signature Certificate URL. Amazon's requirements are
      listed here:

      * Downloads the PEM-encoded X.509 certificate chain that Alexa used
      to sign the message as specified by the SignatureCertChainUrl header
      value on the request.

      * Validates that the signing certificate has not expired (examine
      both the Not Before and Not After dates).

      * Validates that the domain is present in the
      Subject Alternative Names (SANs) section of the signing certificate.

      * Validates that all certificates in the chain combine to create a
      chain of trust to a trusted root CA certificate.

      * Base64-decodes the Signature header value on the request to obtain
      the encrypted signature.

      * Uses the public key extracted from the signing certificate to
      decrypt the encrypted signature to produce the asserted hash value.
      Generates a SHA-1 hash value from the full HTTPS request body to
      produce the derived hash value, and compares the asserted hash value
      and derived hash values to ensure that they match.

      * Checks the request timestamp to ensure that the request is not an
      old request being sent as part of a "replay" attack.

Configuration options


    The echo domain that must be present in the Subject Alternative Names
    (SANs) section of the signing certificate


    Application ID from your app's Amazon Alexa App settings


    Directory in which to store your Alexa certificate, once validated



    Verifies this is a valid Amazon Alexa request. Checks things like
    application_id, certificates, timestamp.

    returns { success, error_msg }