# NAME Test::Mojo::Role::Log - test mojo log messages # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Test::Mojo; my $t = Test::Mojo->with_roles('+Log')->new('MyApp'); $t->get_ok('/gugus') ->log_like(qr{GET "/gugus"}) ->log_debug_like(qr{GET "/gugus"}) ->log_info_unlike(qr{GET "/gugus"}) ->log_debug_like(qr{200 OK.+s.+/s}) done_testing(); ``` # DESCRIPTION The [Test::Mojo::Role::Log](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test%3A%3AMojo%3A%3ARole%3A%3ALog) role enhances [Test::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test%3A%3AMojo) with additional methods to check log output. # ATTRIBUTES ## logCache Points to an array with all the log messages issued since the last request. # METHODS The role [Test::Mojo::Role::Log](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test%3A%3AMojo%3A%3ARole%3A%3ALog) adds the following new methods to [Test::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test%3A%3AMojo) ones. ## log\_like($rx,$desc) ``` $t->get_ok('/hello') ->log_like(undef,qr{/hello not found},"Request got logged") ``` Check if the given log message has been issued. All the log messages issued since the start of the current request will get checked. If $logLevel is set to undef the logLevel does not get checked. ## log\_trace\_like($rx,$desc) (if mojo supports it) Find a trace level log message matching the given $rx. ## log\_debug\_like($rx,$desc) Find a debug level log message matching the given $rx. ## log\_info\_like($rx,$desc) Find a info level log message matching the given $rx. ## log\_warn\_like($rx,$desc) Find a warn level log message matching the given $rx. ## log\_error\_like($rx,$desc) Find a error level log message matching the given $rx. ## log\_fatal\_like($rx,$desc) Find a fatal level log message matching the given $rx. ## \*\_unlike For each of the methods above there is ac coresponding # AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch> # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2020, OETIKER+PARTNER AG # LICENSE Perl Artistic License