# Perl - Test OpenTracing Make integration testing easy, for all you care about are spans! ## SYNOPSIS ### Testing Traces ```perl use Test::OpenTracing; $ENV{OPENTRACING_IMPLEMENTATATION} = 'Test'; ... # run your test-requests cmp_deeply_global_tracer ( [ superhashof => { operation_name => 'request', start_time => 0.0, child_spans => [ superhash => { operation_name => 'setup', finish_time => 0.1, }, superhash => { operation_name => 'run', start_time => 0.1, child_spans => ignore(), }, ], duration => 0.3, }, ], "Looks like we did create all the expected spans on the right timing" ); ``` ### Testing Interface Methods ```perl use Test::OpenTracing; opentracing_interface_ok_span_context( 'MyImplementation::SpanContext', "'MyImplementation' class implements required methods for 'SpanContext'"; ``` ### Testing Implementation Typechecks ```perl use Test::OpenTracing; opentracing_implementation_ok_span_context( 'MyImplementation::SpanContext', "'MyImplementation' class is strict on typechecks for 'SpanContext'"; ``` ## DESCRIPTION Test::OpenTracing is an easy way to check your OpenTracing compliant framework integrations and implementations. The `cmp_deeply_global_tracer` is a `cmp_deeply` like test, that works on a special tracer implementation: `OpenTracing::Implementation::Test`. The `opentracing_interface_ok` test, basically run `can_ok` tests. The `opentracing_implementation_ok` test run a series of test against each (required) method, to see if they are fault tolerant or strict on accepting in coming parameters and returned results. ## EXPORTED SUBROUTINES ### cmp_deeply_global_tracer ### opentracing_interface_ok ### opentracing_implementation_ok ## LICENSE INFORMATION This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided �𦡞s is�� and without any express or implied warranties. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.