NAME POE::Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer - Multiplex HTTP CPAN mirrors SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use POE qw(Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer); my $port = 8080; GetOptions('port=i',\$port) or die; my $test_httpd = POE::Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer->new( port => $port ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; DESCRIPTION POE::Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer is a POE component that acts as a HTTP server that multiplexes HTTP CPAN mirrors. CPAN clients such as CPAN or CPANPLUS can be configured to use the multiplexer as their CPAN mirror. The multiplexer will then query a list of HTTP CPAN mirrors for the requested URLs. CONSTRUCTOR "spawn" Takes a number of options, only those marked as "mandatory" are required: 'address', bind to a particular IP address, default is INADDR_ANY; 'port', bind to a particular TCP port, default is 0; 'event', an event in your session to send request meta to; 'session', specify an alternative session to send the above event to; 'postback', specify a POE::Session postback instead of the above; 'mirrors', an arrayref of http urls, the default should be fine; 'error_page', a scalar of HTML to be returned instead of the default on error conditions; METHODS "get_session_id" Returns the POE::Session ID of the component. "port" Returns the assigned TCP port. INPUT EVENTS "shutdown" Terminates the component. OUTPUT EVENTS If "event" or "postback" is specified in "spawn" then the following events will be emitted whenever a client makes a request. "event" "ARG0" will be a HTTP::Request object. "ARG1" will be a HASHREF with the following keys: 'peeraddr', the client address; 'peerport', the client TCP port; 'sockaddr', our address; 'sockport', our TCP port; "postback" "ARG0" will be an ARRAYREF with the parameters that were specified when the postback was created, see POE::Session for details. "ARG1" will be an ARRAYREF with two items, a HTTP::Request object and a HASHREF with the following keys: 'peeraddr', the client address; 'peerport', the client TCP port; 'sockaddr', our address; 'sockport', our TCP port; AUTHOR Chris "BinGOs" Williams <> LICENSE Copyright © Chris Williams This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details. SEE ALSO HTTP::Request POE::Session <>