This is "ptkftp", a Perl/Tk GUI interface to Perl's Net::FTP and Net::SFTP 
modules.  it requires either or both of them installed to be of much use.  
Without them all you can do is copy files between directories on your local 

I wrote "" because I could not find a GUI program which worked with 
both FTP and SFTP/SSH2 for me.  It also takes full advantage of my 
Net::xFTP module.

Please note that this program is copyrighted by Jim Turner, (c) 2002 - 2008 
 and is released under the same license that Perl itself is.

This software is released in the 
hope that it will be useful, however the nether the author, the hosts of 
any websites from which the program may be obtained, nor anyone else for that 
matter is liable for any damages that may be caused by this program!  Use 
at your own risk, you have been warned!

To install, you must have Perl, Tk, and Net::xFTP modules installed.  Copy 
"" and "" to your Tk subdirectory where your Perl 
libraries are kept (or better yet - install them from CPAN).  
Then copy "JCutCopyPaste" to the same directory the "Tk" subdirectory 
resides, then copy "" to somewhere in your path. 

Invoke as: &

feedback welcome at:

Enjoy the ride,

Jim Turner