# NAME File::Copy::NoClobber - Rename copied files safely if destionation exists # SYNOPSIS use File::Copy::NoClobber; copy( "file.txt", "elsewhere/" ); # elsewhere/file.txt copy( "file.txt", "elsewhere/" ); # elsewhere/file (01).txt # similar with move move( "file.txt", "elsewhere/" ); # elsewhere/file (02).txt use File::Copy::NoClobber -warn => 1; # warns when name is changed use File::Copy::NoClobber -pattern => "[%04d]" # custom noclobber # DESCRIPTION The module exports copy() and move(). They are wrappers around `copy` and `move` in [File::Copy](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy). # INTERFACE ## copy( $from, $to \[, $buffersize\] ) Supportes the same arguments as [File::Copy](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy). Checks if the operation would overwrite an existing file, if so adds a counter to the destionation filename as shown in the SYNOPSIS. The module uses sysopen with O\_EXCL and an increasing counter to determine a working filename. The second argument is then replaced with this filehandle and passed to `File::Copy::copy`. The counter inserted to filenames is `" (%02d)"` by default, but can be changed on import. It returns the filename written to or undef if unsuccesful. ## move( $from, $to ) Supportes the same arguments as [File::Copy](https://metacpan.org/pod/File::Copy). Determines destination filename in the same way as `copy`, but the move operation is used on the filename rather than the filehandle, to allow rename to be used. # DEPENDENCIES This module does not introduce dependencies. It does not use modules not already in use in File::Copy. # AUTHOR Torbj繪rn Lindahl `torbjorn.lindahl@gmail.com` # CONTRIBUTORS Core ideas from _Botje_, _huf_ and _tm604_ in #perl@freenode # LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2016, Torbj繪rn Lindahl `torbjorn.lindahl@gmail.com`. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See [perlartistic](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlartistic).