
=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

File::Parser::Role A simple role to make life easier when you parse files.


    package MyFileParser;

    use Moo;
    has blob => ( is => "rw" );

    sub parse {

      my $self = shift;
      my $fh = $self->fh;

      local $/;

      # just stuff it here, so not really parsing it
      $self->blob( <$fh> );


    with "File::Parser::Role";


And then in some nearby code:

    my $file_obj = MyFileParser->new( "some.file" );

    print length $file_obj->blob; # blob now has the file content because of our sub parse

    print $file_obj->size;        # size of file as reported by -s


A simple role that provides the tedious necessities when parsing files:


=item * make Moo constructor work with filename as one single argument

=item * if its a filename, handle it properly if it doesnt exist

=item * provide a read-only file handle to the resource

=item * run a required C<sub parse {}>

=item * fetch its size (its a nice thing to have)

=item * accept file handles and other weirdness such as L<Path::Tiny>, L<IO::All>, L<IO::File>, L<Mojo::Path>.

=item * accept references to content


All that is left is for you is the fun bit: write the code that does the parsing


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install

Alternatively, to install with Module::Build, you can use the following commands:

	perl Build.PL
	./Build test
	./Build install


Copyright (C) 2014, Torbj繪rn Lindahl

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
