NAME Device::KeyStroke::Mobile - Calculate key stroke times with mobile phone keypads SYNOPSIS use Device::KeyStroke::Mobile; my $typing_times = calc_keystroke(''); DESCRIPTION Device::KeyStroke::Mobile is a module to calculate how many times you need to type keypads in mobile phone to build a word. For example, when you type "" with a mobile keypad, e: 3 3 x: 9 9 a: 2 m: 6 p: 7 l: 5 5 5 e: 3 3 .: * c: 2 2 2 o: 6 6 6 > m: 6 you need to type keys 21 times. This module would be useful when you conider taking a new domain name which is easy to type with mobile phones. FUNCTIONS This module exports following functions by default. calc_keystroke $typing_times = calc_keystroke($text); takes any text you wish to type in mobile phone and calculates how many typings you need to build it. If $text includes non-allowed characters (see the section on "KEY MAPPING"), it would throw an exception. Note that this function u2c()es $text first, so it ignores cases. KEY MAPPING By default this module uses following key mapping: < > [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ABC DEF [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 = GHI JKL MNO [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] PQRS TUV WXYZ [ * ] [ 0 ] [ # ] .-@_/ This mapping is defined in $KeyMapping package variable (hash-ref) in Device::KeyStroke namespace. You can modify it like: $Device::KeyStroke::Mobile::KeyMapping->{1} = q[.@-_/:~]; $Device::KeyStroke::Mobile::KeyMapping->{*} = q[]; $Device::KeyStroke::Mobile::KeyMapping->{#} = q[,!?()#]; AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO the Text::T9 manpage