NAME run-command-to-fail - Tool to run command in cycle to check fail. SYNOPSIS run-command-to-fail [-h] [-l] [-n cycles] [-p preset] [--version] ARGUMENTS * "-h" Print help. * "-l" List presets. * "-n cycles" Number of cycles. Default value is 100 cycles. * "-p preset" Preset for run. Default value is 'perl'. * "--version" Print version of script. ACTUAL PRESETS "blank" Clean preset. User could run anything, what want. "perl" Perl preset. One argument is required, it's Perl file to run. "strace_perl" Perl preset with strace processing. One argument is required, it's Perl file to run. EXAMPLE run-command-to-fail -n 10 -p blank true REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT 穢 2023 Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01