NAME IO::Barf - Barfing content to output file. SYNOPSIS use IO::Barf qw(barf); barf($file_or_handler, 'CONTENT'); SUBROUTINES "barf($file_or_handler, $content)" Barf content to file or handler. ERRORS barf(): Cannot open file '%s'. Cannot close file '%s'. Unsupported reference '%s'. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp; use IO::Barf; # Content. my $content = "foo\nbar\n"; # Temporary file. my $temp_file = File::Temp->new->filename; # Barf out. barf($temp_file, $content); # Print tempory file. system "cat $temp_file"; # Unlink temporary file. unlink $temp_file; # Output: # foo # bar EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use IO::Barf; # Content. my $content = "foo\nbar\n"; # Barf out. barf(\*STDOUT, $content); # Output: # foo # bar EXAMPLE3 use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); use IO::All; use IO::Any; use IO::Barf; use File::Slurp qw(write_file); use File::Temp; use Path::Tiny; # Temporary files. my $temp1 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp2 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp3 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp4 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp5 = File::Temp->new->filename; # Some data. my $data = 'x' x 1000; # Benchmark (10s). cmpthese(-10, { 'File::Slurp' => sub { write_file($temp3, $data); unlink $temp3; }, 'IO::All' => sub { $data > io($temp4); unlink $temp4; }, 'IO::Any' => sub { IO::Any->spew($temp2, $data); unlink $temp2; }, 'IO::Barf' => sub { barf($temp1, $data); unlink $temp1; }, 'Path::Tiny' => sub { path($temp5)->spew($data); unlink $temp5; }, }); # Output like this: # Rate Path::Tiny IO::Any IO::All File::Slurp IO::Barf # Path::Tiny 3210/s -- -17% -51% -85% -91% # IO::Any 3859/s 20% -- -41% -82% -89% # IO::All 6574/s 105% 70% -- -70% -81% # File::Slurp 21615/s 573% 460% 229% -- -39% # IO::Barf 35321/s 1000% 815% 437% 63% -- EXAMPLE4 use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); use File::Temp; # Temporary files. my $temp1 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp2 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp3 = File::Temp->new->filename; my $temp4 = File::Temp->new->filename; # Some data. my $data = 'x' x 1000; # Benchmark (10s). cmpthese(-10, { 'File::Slurp' => sub { require File::Slurp; File::Slurp::write_file($temp1, $data); unlink $temp1; }, 'IO::Any' => sub { require IO::Any; IO::Any->spew($temp2, $data); unlink $temp2; }, 'IO::Barf' => sub { require IO::Barf; IO::Barf::barf($temp3, $data); unlink $temp3; }, 'Path::Tiny' => sub { require Path::Tiny; Path::Tiny::path($temp4)->spew($data); unlink $temp4; }, }); # Output like this: # T460s, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz # Rate IO::Any Path::Tiny File::Slurp IO::Barf # IO::Any 8692/s -- -20% -65% -77% # Path::Tiny 10926/s 26% -- -56% -71% # File::Slurp 24669/s 184% 126% -- -34% # IO::Barf 37193/s 328% 240% 51% -- DEPENDENCIES Error::Pure, Exporter, Readonly, Scalar::Util. SEE ALSO IO::Any open anything File::Slurp Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Complete Files Perl6::Slurp Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2009-2020 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.09