NAME Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan - Perl in Classical Chinese in Perl VERSION our $VERSION = 1257305840; # 2009撟�11��� 4�𠯫 �𪂹銝� 11��37��11蝘� CST SYNOPSIS # The Sieve of Eratosthenes - ����㗇�䀹鱻�䠋蝭拇�� use Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan; �鍂蝐��桃鍂�𠂔��鈭閙飧�桃�∠�� ���㫲�𤌴��擃条鰊 ����𤘪彍�嗅�剹�� ���⏛韏瑕陻蝝娪◢ 鞈血�誩�亙之����� ��蝧雴��陻�腼�𧑐 銝虫�諹秐蝝娪◢�� ���訜韏瑟挾鞈血�� ��𣳇腼�𧑐����卝�� ���腼�𧑐鞈衣祟憪� 蝜怎鼠甇日�𨀣挾�� ��蝯��腼�𧑐�桀㫲 甇��𤘪活璅坔�剹�� ��頛貊征�𦻖畾菟�� ��㛖�閮餅陸靘��� DESCRIPTION It is now possible to write Perl programs in Classical Chinese poetry in Perl. (If one *has* to ask "Why?", please refer to Lingua::Romana::Perligata for related information.) This module uses the single-character property of Chinese to disambiguate between keywords, so one may elide whitespaces much like in real Chinese writings. The vocabulary is in the ���� (literary text) mode, not the common mode is �蒾閰� (spoken text) mode with multisyllabic words. "Lingua::Sinica::PerlYuYan::translate()" (or simply as "霅�()") translates a string containing English programs into Chinese. SEE ALSO Filter::Simple::Compile, Lingua::Romana::Perligata CC0 1.0 Universal To the extent possible under law, ��鞾陶 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Lingua-Sinica-PerlYuYan. This work is published from Taiwan. <>