NAME Interchange6::Schema - Database Schema for Interchange 6 VERSION 0.102 MANUAL Please see the Interchange6 Schema Manual for an overview of available documentation. DESCRIPTION Database schema classes for Interchange6 Open Source eCommerce software. The minimum Perl version for Interchange6::Schema is 5.8. BASE CLASS DBIx::Class::Schema::Config If you inherit from Interchange6::Schema then in order to make use of DBIx::Class::Schema::Config in your own schema you must load it as a component. COMPONENTS Components used: * DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::DateTime * DBIx::Class::Helper::Schema::QuoteNames ATTRIBUTES current_user This attribute can be used to stash the Interchange6::Schema::Result::User object of the currently logged in user. If set then any result class and resultset methods which take users_id as an argument will make use of the value of this attribute to set users_id. writer: set_current_user user_locale This attribute can be used to store the locale of the current user. writer: set_user_locale METHODS deploy Overload "deploy" in DBIx::Class::Schema in order to add some core fixtures via Interchange6::Schema::Populate. CREATE SQL FILES FOR DATABASE SCHEMA This command creates SQL files for our database schema in the sql/ directory: interchange6-create-database POLICY FOR RELATIONSHIP ACCESSORS All lower case Singular names for belongs_to and has_one relationships Pluralised names for many_to_many and has_many relationships Use underscores for things like shipment_destinations. AUTHORS Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Peter Mottram, Jeff Boes, Sam Batschelet CONTRIBUTORS Kaare Rasmussen �犲mun Kod鱉oman Grega Pompe LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2014 Stefan Hornburg (Racke), Jeff Boes. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.