NAME Map::Tube::Tbilisi - Interface to the Tbilisi Metro Map. SYNOPSIS use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; my $routes_ar = $obj->get_all_routes($from, $to); my $line = $obj->get_line_by_id($line_id); my $line = $obj->get_line_by_name($line_name); my $lines_ar = $obj->get_lines; my $station = $obj->get_node_by_id($station_id); my $station = $obj->get_node_by_name($station_name); my $route = $obj->get_shortest_route($from, $to); my $stations_ar = $obj->get_stations($line); my $metro_name = $obj->name; my $xml_file = $obj->xml; DESCRIPTION It currently provides functionality to find the shortest route between the two given nodes. For more information about Tbilisi Map, click here <>. METHODS "new()" Constructor. "get_all_routes($from, $to)" [EXPERIMENTAL] Get all routes from station to station. Returns reference to array with Map::Tube::Route objects. "get_line_by_id($line_id)" Get line object defined by id. Returns Map::Tube::Line object. "get_line_by_name($line_name)" Get line object defined by name. Returns Map::Tube::Line object. "get_lines()" Get lines in metro map. Returns reference to unsorted array with Map::Tube::Line objects. "get_node_by_id($station_id)" Get station node by id. Returns Map::Tube::Node object. "get_node_by_name($station_name)" Get station node by name. Returns Map::Tube::Node object. "get_shortest_route($from, $to)" Get shortest route between $from and $to node names. Node names in $from and $to are case insensitive. Returns Map::Tube::Route object. "name()" Get metro name. Returns string with metro name. "get_stations($line)" Get list of stations for concrete metro line. Returns reference to array with Map::Tube::Node objects. "xml()" Get XML specification of Tbilisi metro. Returns string with XML. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8); use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; # Object. my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; # Get route. my $route = $obj->get_shortest_route(decode_utf8('�﹥�靟���靟�脊�嘣�兕�鐧�嘣�𠹳��'), decode_utf8('�𣞢�竢�𠹳�嘣�﹥��')); # Print out type. print "Route: ".encode_utf8($route)."\n"; # Output: # Route: �﹥�靟���靟�脊�嘣�兕�鐧�嘣�𠹳�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �𠯆�€���靟�𧘲�嘣�兕�鐧�嘣�𠹳�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �艮���𧘲�靟�艮�竢�𠹳�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �𣞢�嘣�𣞢�€�𤒹�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �𠯆�鍅�花�嘣���嘣�後�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �𦸇�靟�後�靟�𠹳�靟�𣞢�竢�鐧�� (�靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �﹥�靟�𣞢�𠯆�€���嘣�� �𧘲�鍅�竢�𣞢�靟�𦸇�� (�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �矜�竢���竢�䤾�竢�𠹳�� (�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �S�竢�丟�𦸇�嘣�䟭�€���� �€�𦸇�嘣�鐧�竢���﹥�嘣�S�竢�S�� (�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �﹥�靟�𧘲�竢�𣞢�嘣�花�嘣�𦸇�� �€�𦸇�嘣�鐧�竢���﹥�嘣�S�竢�S�� (�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��), �𣞢�竢�𠹳�嘣�﹥�� (�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��) EXAMPLE2 use strict; use utf8; use warnings; use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; # Object. my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; # Get XML file. my $xml_file = $obj->xml; # Print out XML file. print "XML file: $xml_file\n"; # Output like: # XML file: .*/tbilisi-map.xml EXAMPLE3 use strict; use warnings; use Map::Tube::GraphViz; use Map::Tube::GraphViz::Utils qw(node_color_without_label); use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; # Object. my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; # GraphViz object. my $g = Map::Tube::GraphViz->new( 'callback_node' => \&node_color_without_label, 'driver' => 'neato', 'tube' => $obj, ); # Get graph to file. $g->graph('Tbilisi.png'); # Print file. system "ls -l Tbilisi.png"; # Output like: # -rw-r--r-- 1 skim skim 68209 Jan 3 11:56 Tbilisi.png EXAMPLE4 use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw(encode_utf8); use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; # Object. my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; # Get lines. my $lines_ar = $obj->get_lines; # Print out. map { print encode_utf8($_->name)."\n"; } sort @{$lines_ar}; # Output: # �靟�桑�𧘲�竢�S�竢�𠹳��-�鐧�靟���䟭�竢�䤾�嘣�𠹳�嘣�� �桑�靟�𥕝�� # �﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝�� EXAMPLE5 use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8); use Map::Tube::Tbilisi; # Arguments. if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 line\n"; exit 1; } my $line = decode_utf8($ARGV[0]); # Object. my $obj = Map::Tube::Tbilisi->new; # Get stations for line. my $stations_ar = $obj->get_stations($line); # Print out. map { print encode_utf8($_->name)."\n"; } @{$stations_ar}; # Output: # Usage: __PROG__ line # Output with 'foo' argument. # Map::Tube::get_stations(): ERROR: Invalid Line Name [foo]. (status: 105) file __PROG__ on line __LINE__ # Output with '�﹥�靟�𤒹�€���䤾�靟�𠹳�鍅�� �桑�靟�𥕝��' argument. # �﹥�靟�𣞢�𠯆�€���嘣�� �𧘲�鍅�竢�𣞢�靟�𦸇�� # �矜�竢���竢�䤾�竢�𠹳�� # �S�竢�丟�𦸇�嘣�䟭�€���� �€�𦸇�嘣�鐧�竢���﹥�嘣�S�竢�S�� # �﹥�靟�𧘲�竢�𣞢�嘣�花�嘣�𦸇�� �€�𦸇�嘣�鐧�竢���﹥�嘣�S�竢�S�� # �𣞢�竢�𠹳�嘣�﹥�� # �鐧�靟�骺��-�戶�兕�靟�鐧�竢�𠹳�� DEPENDENCIES File::Share, Map::Tube, Moo, namespace::clean. SEE ALSO Map::Tube Core library as Role (Moo) to process map data. Task::Map::Tube Install the Map::Tube modules. Task::Map::Tube::Metro Install the Map::Tube concrete metro modules. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT 穢 2014-2025 Michal Josef �麖a�嶤k Artistic License BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.05