Webservice::InterMine - modules for interacting with InterMine
    datawarehouse webservices

        use Webservice::InterMine;

        my $service  = Webservice::InterMine->new_service($url);
        my $template = $service->template($name);
        my $results  = $template->results_with(valueA => 'x', valueB => 'y');


        use Webservice::InterMine '';

        my $query    = Webservice::InterMine->new_query;
                        path  => $path,
                        op    => $op,
                        value => $value,
        my $results  = $query->results;

    This distribution is the client interface to any implementation of the
    InterMine Datawarehousing WebService ( Primarily used
    for biological genomic databases, the webservice allows the user to
    easily write and execute structured queries.

    This module allows you to interact with one or more webservices by
    providing a url to an InterMine implementation.

    You can call "use Webservice::InterMine" without any parameters, which
    simply means you need to either specify the webservice url on every
    call, or call the methods on a service directly.

    If you call "use Webservice::InterMine $url", a default service will be
    set, meaning method calls will not require the webservice url. Unless
    you are intending to access multiple services, the latter form is

  new_query( [$url] )
    returns a new query object for you to fill in with constraints before
    being run to get its results. If you pass a url, it constructs a query
    for the specified webservice.

    Please see Webservice::InterMine::Query

  template( $name, [$url] )
    returns the named template (if it exists - if not it returns undef). If
    you pass a url, it returns the named template from the specified

    Please see Webservice::InterMine::Query::Template

  saved_query( $name, [$url] ) NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
    returns the named saved_query (if it exists - if not it returns undef).
    If you pass a url, it returns the named query from the specified

    This method requires you to have provided a username and password to the
    webservice for authentication.

    Please see Webservice::InterMine::Query::Saved

  get_service( [$url, $user, $pass] )
    returns a webservice object, which is used to construct queries and
    fetch templates and saved queries. If a url is passed, the webservice
    for that url is returned, otherwise the service for the url given to
    "use" is returned.

    Please note: user and password based authentication has not yet been

    Please see: Webservice::InterMine::Service

    *   Webservice::InterMine::Cookbook for guide on how to use these

    *   Webservice::InterMine::Query

    *   Webservice::InterMine::Service

    *   Webservice::InterMine::Query::Template

    *   Webservice::InterMine::Query::Saved

    Alex Kalderimis "<>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "".

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Webservice::InterMine

    You can also look for information at:

    *   Webservice::InterMine


    *   Documentation


    Copyright 2006 - 2010 FlyMine, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.