Net::Curl::Promiser - Asynchronous [libcurl](https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/), the easy way!


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[Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) is powerful but tricky to use: polling, callbacks,
timers, etc. This module does all of that for you and puts a Promise
interface on top of it, so asynchronous I/O becomes almost as simple as
synchronous I/O.

[Net::Curl::Promiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser) itself is a base class; you�耱l need to use
a subclass that works with your chosen event interface.

This distribution provides the following usable subclasses:

- [Net::Curl::Promiser::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3AMojo) (for [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious))
- [Net::Curl::Promiser::AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3AAnyEvent) (for [AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent))
- [Net::Curl::Promiser::IOAsync](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3AIOAsync) (for [IO::Async](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO%3A%3AAsync))
- [Net::Curl::Promiser::Select](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3ASelect) (for manually-written
`select()` loops)

If the event interface you want to use isn�脌 compatible with one of the
above, you�耱l need to create your own [Net::Curl::Promiser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser) subclass.
This is undocumented but pretty simple; have a look at the ones above as
well as another based on Linux�䏭 [epoll(7)](http://man.he.net/man7/epoll) in the distribution�䏭


This module will, by default, `warn()` if its objects are `DESTROY()`ed
during Perl�䏭 global destruction phase. To suppress this behavior, set
`$Net::Curl::Promiser::IGNORE_MEMORY_LEAKS` to a truthy value.


This class�䏭 default Promise implementation is [Promise::ES6](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise%3A%3AES6).
You can use a different one by overriding the `PROMISE_CLASS()` method in
a subclass, as long as the substitute class�䏭 `new()` method works the
same way as Promise::ES6�䏭 (which itself follows the ECMAScript standard).

(NB: [Net::Curl::Promiser::Mojo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3AMojo) uses [Mojo::Promise](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo%3A%3APromise) instead of

## **Experimental** [Promise::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/Promise%3A%3AXS) support

Try out experimental Promise::XS support by running with
`NET_CURL_PROMISER_PROMISE_ENGINE=Promise::XS` in your environment.
This will override `PROMISE_CLASS()`.


Internally each instance of this class uses an instance of
[Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) and an instance of [Net::Curl::Promiser::Backend](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3APromiser%3A%3ABackend).
(The latter, in turn, is subclassed to provide logic specific to
each event interface.) These are kept separate to avoid circular references.


The following are of interest to any code that uses this module:

## _CLASS_->new(@ARGS)

Instantiates this class, including creation of an underlying
[Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) object.

## promise($EASY) = _OBJ_->add\_handle( $EASY )

A passthrough to the underlying [Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) object�䏭
method of the same name, but the return is given as a Promise object.

That promise resolves with the passed-in $EASY object.
It rejects with either the error given to `fail_handle()` or the
error that [Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) object�䏭 `info_read()` returns.

**IMPORTANT:** As with libcurl itself, HTTP-level failures
(e.g., 4xx and 5xx responses) are **NOT** considered failures at this level.

## $obj = _OBJ_->cancel\_handle( $EASY )

Prematurely cancels $EASY. The associated promise will be abandoned
in pending state, never to resolve nor reject.

Returns _OBJ_.

## $obj = _OBJ_->fail\_handle( $EASY, $REASON )

Like `cancel_handle()` but rejects $EASY�䏭 associated promise
with the given $REASON.

Returns _OBJ_.

## $obj = _OBJ_->setopt( �� )

A passthrough to the underlying [Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) object�䏭
method of the same name. Returns _OBJ_ to facilitate chaining.

This class requires control of certain [Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) options;
if you attempt to set one of these here you�耱l get an exception.

## $obj = _OBJ_->handles( �� )

A passthrough to the underlying [Net::Curl::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AMulti) object�䏭
method of the same name.


See the distribution�䏭 `/examples` directory.


Try [Net::Curl::Easier](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AEasier) for a more polished variant of Net::Curl::Easy.

[Net::Curl::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3ASimple) implements a similar idea to this module but
doesn�脌 return promises. It has a more extensive interface that provides
a more �𦑩erlish�� experience than [Net::Curl::Easy](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net%3A%3ACurl%3A%3AEasy).

If you use [AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent), then [AnyEvent::XSPromises](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent%3A%3AXSPromises) with
[AnyEvent::YACurl](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent%3A%3AYACurl) may be a nicer fit for you.




Copyright 2019-2020 Gasper Software Consulting.

This library is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.