XML::Rabbit - Consume XML with Moose and xpath queries

    version 0.3.0

        my $xhtml = W3C::XHTML->new( file => 'index.xhtml' );
        print "Title: " . $xhtml->title . "\n";
        print "First image source: " . $xhtml->body->images->[0]->src . "\n";


        package W3C::XHTML;
        use XML::Rabbit::Root;

        add_xpath_namespace 'xhtml' => '';

        has_xpath_value 'title' => '/xhtml:html/xhtml:head/xhtml:title';

        has_xpath_object 'body'  => '/xhtml:html/xhtml:body' => 'W3C::XHTML::Body';

        has_xpath_object_list 'all_anchors_and_images' => '//xhtml:a|//xhtml:img',
                'xhtml:a'   => 'W3C::XHTML::Anchor',
                'xhtml:img' => 'W3C::XHTML::Image',


        package W3C::XHTML::Body;
        use XML::Rabbit;

        has_xpath_object_list 'images' => './/xhtml:img' => 'W3C::XHTML::Image';


        package W3C::XHTML::Image;
        use XML::Rabbit;

        has_xpath_value 'src'   => './@src';
        has_xpath_value 'alt'   => './@alt';
        has_xpath_value 'title' => './@title';


        package W3C::XHTML::Anchor;
        use XML::Rabbit;

        has_xpath_value 'href'  => './@src';
        has_xpath_value 'title' => './@title';


    XML::Rabbit is a Moose-based class construction toolkit you can use to
    make XPath-based XML extractors with very little code. Each attribute in
    your class created with the above helper function is linked to an XPath
    query that is executed on your XML document when you request the value.
    Creating object hierarchies that mimic the layout of the XML document is
    almost as easy as doing a search and replace on the XML DTD (if you have

    You can return multiple values from the XML either as arrays or hashes,
    depending on how you need to work with the data from the XML document.

    The example in the synopsis shows how to create a class hierarchy that
    enables easy retrival of certain information from an XHTML document.

    Also notice that if you specify an xpath query that can return multiple
    XML elements, you need to specify a hash map (xml tag => class name)
    instead of just specifying the class name returned.

    All the array and hash-returning attributes are tagged with the Array
    and Hash native traits, so it is quick and easy to specify additional
    delegations. All the "has_xpath_value*" helpers expect the value to be
    of a "Str" type constraint. Array and hash-returning attributes
    automatically set their isa to "ArrayRef[Str]" and "HashRef[Str]"

    All the helper methods and their associated arguments are explained in
    XML::Rabbit::Sugar detail.

    Be aware that if your XML document contains a default XML namespace
    (like XHTML does), you MUST specify it with "add_xpath_namespace()", or
    else your xpath queries will not match anything. The XML document is not
    scanned for XML namespaces during initialization.

    Automatically loads namespace::autoclean into the caller's package and
    dispatches to "import" in XML::Rabbit::Sugar (tail call).

    Dispatches to "unimport" in XML::Rabbit::Sugar (tail call).

    Initializes the metaclass of the calling class and adds the role

    When you specify "use XML::Rabbit::Root" (or "use XML::Rabbit" in child
    nodes) you do the equivalent of the following code:

        use Moose;
        with "XML::Rabbit::RootNode"; # if you use XML::Rabbit::Root
        with "XML::Rabbit::Node";     # if you use XML::Rabbit
        use namespace::autoclean;
        use XML::Rabbit::Sugar;

    This ensures that you don't have to specify "no Moose" at the end of
    your code to clean up imported functions you have used in your class.

    The "finalize_class()" call at the end of the file is the same as
    writing the following piece of code:



    This optimizes the class and ensures it always returns a true value,
    which is required to successfully load a Perl script file.

    The trait applied to the attribute will wrap the type constraint union
    in an ArrayRef if the trait name is XPathObjectList and as a HashRef if
    the trait name is XPathObjectMap. As all the traits that end with List
    return array references, their "isa" must be an ArrayRef. The same is
    valid for the *Map traits, just that they return HashRef instead of

    The namespace prefix used in "isa_map" MUST be specified in the
    "namespace_map". If a prefix is used in "isa_map" without a
    corresponding entry in "namespace_map" an exception will be thrown.

    Be aware of the syntax of XPath when used with namespaces. You should
    almost always define "namespace_map" when dealing with XML that use
    namespaces. Namespaces explicitly declared in the XML are usable with
    the prefix specified in the XML (except if you use "isa_map"). Be aware
    that a prefix must usually be declared for the default namespace
    (xmlns=...) to be able to use it in XPath queries. See the example above
    (on XHTML) for details. See "findnodes" in XML::LibXML::Node for more

    Because XML::Rabbit uses XML::LibXML's DOM parser it is limited to
    handling XML documents that can fit in available memory. Unfortunately
    there is no easy way around this, because XPath queries need to work on
    a tree model, and I am not aware of any way of doing that without
    keeping the document in memory. Luckily XML::LibXML's DOM implementation
    is written in C, so it should use much less memory than a pure Perl DOM

    This module uses semantic versioning concepts from <>.

    The following people have helped to review or otherwise encourage me to
    work on this module.

    Chris Prather (perigrin)

    Matt S. Trout (mst)

    Stevan Little (stevan)

    *   Moose

    *   XML::LibXML

    *   namespace::autoclean

    *   XML::Toolkit

    *   XML::Twig

    *   Mojo::DOM

    *   XPath tutorial <>

    *   XPath Specification <>

    *   Implementing WWW::LastFM, a client library to the Last.FM API, with

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

      perldoc XML::Rabbit

    The following websites have more information about this module, and may
    be of help to you. As always, in addition to those websites please use
    your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

    *   MetaCPAN

        A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML


    *   Search CPAN

        The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.


    *   RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker

        The RT ( Request Tracker ) website is the default bug/issue tracking
        system for CPAN.


    *   AnnoCPAN

        The AnnoCPAN is a website that allows community annotations of Perl
        module documentation.


    *   CPAN Ratings

        The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and
        reviews of Perl modules.


    *   CPAN Forum

        The CPAN Forum is a web forum for discussing Perl modules.


    *   CPANTS

        The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics )
        of a distribution.


    *   CPAN Testers

        The CPAN Testers is a network of smokers who run automated tests on
        uploaded CPAN distributions.


    *   CPAN Testers Matrix

        The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview
        of the test results for a distribution on various Perls/platforms.


    *   CPAN Testers Dependencies

        The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the
        test results of all dependencies for a distribution.


  Bugs / Feature Requests
    Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to "bug-xml-rabbit
    at", or through the web interface at
    <>. You will be
    automatically notified of any progress on the request by the system.

  Source Code
    The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please
    feel free to browse it and play with it, or whatever. If you want to
    contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from your
    repository :)


      git clone git://

    Robin Smidsr繪d <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Robin Smidsr繪d.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.