|                                  monospace                                  |
Abbreviation:  ã|\mspã%
Parameters:    ã|noneã%
Typestyles  may be  monospaced, where  all letters  are  the same  width, or
proportionally  spaced,  where letters  are  different widths.    Typewriter
printers  have only  monospaced  typestyles;  Composing  printers  have both
styles available.   The  default typestyle for  TEXT1 is Computer  Modern, a
proportionally spaced typestyle for composing printers.  It is not available
on typewriter printers.
    The \monospace markup  calls the monospaced font  and adjusts many TEXT1
block defaults  to fit within  the limitations of  monospace.   For example,
the amount  of space before  and after a  block quote is  increased to whole
baseline skips,  instead of  half (monospace  only deals with  whole lines).
References for footnotes are placed on the baseline instead of superscripted
(which is not available in monospace).
    If  you specify  \italic  and you  are  using \monospace,  you  will get
underscores instead of  italics, since most typewriter  printers do not have
As long as human institutions were large and brittle,
war was an effective way of disassembling them.
The intellectual rationalization for the continual
preparation for war is the old Roman adage:
{\it If you want peace, prepare for war.}
|                                                                             |
|     As  long as  human institutions  were large  and brittle,  war  was an  |
| effective way of disassembling them.  The intellectual rationalization for  |
| the continual  preparation for war  is the old  Roman adage:   If you want  |
| peace, prepare for war.                                                     |
|                                                                             |
Specify the \monospace markup  only once.  It should  be the first markup in
your file.
    The  markup the  \monospace  modifies,  and their  new  defaults  are as
   * The font for the table of contents will print with \roman.
   * \raggedbottom is "on" instead of \normalbottom.
   * \paragraphskip is set to "0pt".
   * \paragraphindent is set to "36pt".
   * The \skipbefore and \skipafter for \asisformat is set to "1\bl" instead
     of 6 points.
   * The \skipbefore  and \skipafter for \blockquoteformat  is set to "1\bl"
     instead  of 6  points; the  text is  indented 36  points instead  of 24
     points;  the text  is printed  in monospace roman  instead of  10 point
     Computer Modern roman.
   * Figure titles are  printed monospace bold instead  of 10 point Computer
     Modern bold.
   * Table titles are  printed in monospace bold  instead of Computer Modern
     12 point bold.
   * Endnotes  are  printed with  no  extra  space,  except  paragraph skip,
     between notes instead of 4 points as is the non \monospace default; The
     note is printed in monospace roman instead of Computer Modern 10 point;
     The text  of the  note is  not indented,  instead of the  default 1.2em
   * Autofootnotes are printed down instead of superscripted; Their style is
     "(1)" instead of  "1" in monospace roman instead  of Computer Modern 10
     point; At the bottom of the page the note carries a paragraph indent of
     20 points instead of .5in.
   * Heading markup, such  as \part, \chapter, \subheada,  etc.  are printed
     in monospace instead of Computer Modern 12 point.
   * The running head is defined to use monospace instead of Computer Modern
     12 point.
If you  want to change any  of the defaults for  the above mentioned markup,
they must come after the \monospace markup.