|                                 pageformat                                  |
Abbreviation:  ã|\pfã%
Parameters:    ã|submarkupã%
Submarkup:     ã|\pagelength, \pagewidth, \topmargin,
\bottommargin, \leftmargin, \rightmargin, \bindingadjust,
The \pageformat markup specifies the  page size and margins.  The dimensions
and margins for the pages of a document are set with page formatting markup.
These submarkup  are valid only  within the \pageformat  markup.   Its seven
submarkup are described below.
ã|pagelengthã% specifies  the length of  the page to  be used.   The default
page length, 11 inches is maximum for most printers.
ã|pagewidthã% specifies  the width  of the  page to  be used.    The default
page  width, 8.5  inches,  is maximum  for most  printers.    The \pagewidth
and \rightmargin submarkup may  optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
ã|topmarginã% sets the distance from the  top of the paper to the first line
of text, excluding the top title(s).  The default value is 1 inch.
ã|bottommarginã% sets the distance from  the bottom of the paper to the last
line of  the text, excluding  the bottom title(s).   The default  value is 1
ã|leftmarginã% sets the distance from the  left edge of the page to the left
edge of the text.  The default value is 1.2 inches.
ã|rightmarginã% sets  the distance from  the right edge  of the  page to the
right edge  of the  text.   The  default value  is 1 inch.    The \pagewidth
and \rightmargin submarkup may  optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
ã|bindingadjustã% is used to offset  left and right margins, which is useful
for duplex  printing (on both  sides).   The value  given the \bindingadjust
submarkup will increase  the left margin on odd  pages and decrease the left
margin  on even  pages.   The  page text  width is  not shortened,  only the
margin.  The default value is {0pt}.
ã|galleywidthã%  may  be  substituted  for  \pagewidth and  \rightmargin  to
determine the  width of the text.   The \galleywidth  has the same dimension
as \hsize.   You  cannot use \galleywidth  in the same fashion,  however, as
This custom source has 90 point (1 1/4inch) left and right margins.
This custom source sets  up a 9 inch by 6 inch page  size.  The margins have
been decreased accordingly.  A binding adjust value has been added.
Do note include \pagewidth and \rightmargin in the \pageformat markup if you
use the \galleywidth submarkup.