|                                    vbox                                     |
Abbreviation:  ã|noneã%
Parameters:    ã|box materialã%
The \vbox markup has many uses.  One use is to be able to put multiple lines
into a \drawbox markup.
\drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena
is the research arm of Giga Geologicals,
Inc. No apologies
are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments.
The opinions of the authors do not reflect
company policy.}}
|                                                                             |
| ........................................................................... |
| .     The Center for  Unpleasant  Phenomena is the  research  arm of Gig  . |
| . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of . |
| . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. . |
| ........................................................................... |
|                                                                             |
Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.