*** WebMakefile~	Thu Apr  6 19:53:39 1989
--- WebMakefile	Sat Apr  8 12:32:06 1989
*** 134,139 ****
--- 134,140 ----
  	cd ../master; rm -f *.o; for i in $(COMMONC); do \
  		cc $(CFLAGS) -c $$i; \
+ 		mv *.o $(OBDIR) ; \
  	done; cd ../c
  	cc $(CFLAGS) -c $(TANGLESRC).c; \
*** spider.web~	Thu Apr  6 13:57:13 1989
--- spider.web	Sat Apr  8 12:49:58 1989
*** 1133,1139 ****
  		if (tempfile==ttokfile) { ## output to \.{TANGLE}
  		    #<If |t| is |"string"|, |"constant"|, or |"identifier"|, 
  			   just |continue|#> ## already defined in \.{TANGLE}
! 			temp = temp + #'37 - highesttoken ## hackety hack!
  		printf "@d %s = %s\n", tokenname[t], temp > tempfile
--- 1133,1140 ----
  		if (tempfile==ttokfile) { ## output to \.{TANGLE}
  		    #<If |t| is |"string"|, |"constant"|, or |"identifier"|, 
  			   just |continue|#> ## already defined in \.{TANGLE}
! 			temp = temp + #'37 + 3 - highesttoken ## hackety hack!
! 			      ## +3 because three highest are already defined!
  		printf "@d %s = %s\n", tokenname[t], temp > tempfile