2016-10-03 Marcin Kolny Gst::Message: update Message API * gstreamer/src/message.{ccg|hg}: parse() method name for MessageError, add some methods to MessageProgress. 2016-09-28 Marcin Kolny doc: fix doxygen documentation 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny Fix dist 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny Add examples and tools COPYING to dist COPYING file is automatically added to dist 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny Update required glibmm version 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny MSVC: add visual studio 2015 support 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny Tests: rename tests regression to integration 2016-09-27 Marcin Kolny Tests: fix test run in parallel mode 2016-09-26 Marcin Kolny gstreamermm.h: update header file 2016-09-26 Marcin Kolny Examples, tests: remove unnecessary glibmm includes 2016-09-26 Marcin Kolny Build fix 2016-09-26 Marcin Kolny Tests: fix build and dist unittests 2016-09-25 Marcin Kolny register.h: move code from base_init to class_init 2016-09-25 Marcin Kolny Tests: fix unittests 2016-09-22 Marcin Kolny Gst::Iterator: fix memory leak 2016-09-17 Marcin Kolny Fix warnings 2016-09-15 Marcin Kolny Examples: add example for dynamic pads 2016-09-15 Marcin Kolny Wrap missing methods 2016-08-31 Marcin Kolny Deprecate plugins API The API will be replaced by the standalone application which allow to generate API for the specific plugins https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755395 2016-08-31 Marcin Kolny Examples: add more basic examples 2016-08-28 Marcin Kolny Examples: add few simple examples 2016-08-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::Pad: update class 2016-08-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseTransform: fix vfunc methods 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny gstreamermm.h: update main header 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::TagList: remove todo tag Compiler always selects the most specific implementation, so we don't have to worry about those overrides 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny docs: update doc, remove some todos 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Clock: implement destroy callback for wait_async() 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny ClockUtils: move some clock-related artifacts to separated file 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny docs: Update doxygen config for Doxygen 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Toc: update TOC class, documentation 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::TocSetter: update interface 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::TypeFindFactory: add missing method 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::UriHandler: add missing enum, update docs. 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Value: replace some classes with template class 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Structure: fix setting glib::value field 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Examples: build fix 2016-08-27 Marcin Kolny Build: fix silent build 2016-07-12 Marcin Kolny Gst::Segment: update Segment class 2016-07-12 Marcin Kolny Gst::MapInfo: fix build 2016-07-12 Marcin Kolny Gst::Structure: refactoring * gstreamer/src/structure.{ccg|hg}: generic get/set field, wrap some functions. * tests/test-structure.cc: update tests. 2016-07-12 Marcin Kolny update some classes according to v1.8 2016-07-12 Marcin Kolny Gst::Event: review Event classes * gstreamer/src/event.{ccg|hg}: use m4 macros for wrapping Event classes, wrap missing methods. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add conversions definitions. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::EncodingProfile: review * gstreamer/src/encodingprofile.{ccg|hg}: encoding profile class review. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::ElementFactory: wrap missing functions * gstreamer/src/elementfactory.{ccg|hg}: wrap get_uri_protocols (). 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Element: review GstElement wrapper * gstreamer/src/element.{ccg|hg}: add missing functions, vfunctions, documentation. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add some vfunc definitions. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Discoverer: update wrappers. * gstreamer/src/discoverer.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/discovererinfo.{ccg|hg}: wrap missing methods, update documentation. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add GstToc conversion definitio. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Context: minors * gstreamer/src/context.{ccg|hg}: minor cleanup. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::ColorBalanceChannel: minor updates * gstreamer/src/colorbalancechannel.{ccg|hg}: update documentation, minor includes cleanup. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::ColorBalance: review ColorBalance wrapper * gstreamer/src/colorbalance.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: update documentation, add missing virtual method get_balance_type(). 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Clock: update wrapper * gstreamer/src/clock.{ccg|hg}: add missing synced() signal and gst_clock_unadjust_with_calibration() method. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::ChildProxy: renew childproxy interface * gstreamer/src/childproxy.{ccg|hg}: minor changes in the interface. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioCdSrc: rename CddaBaseSrc to AudioCdSrc * gstreamer/src/audiocdsrc.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/cddabasesrc.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_plugin_gmmproc_file.cc: * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: rename CddaBaseSrc class to AudioCdSrc class. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::CapsFeatures: minor cleanups * gstreamer/src/capsfeatures.{ccg|hg}: update last review section, remove unnecessary include. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: review Caps class. * gstreamer/src/audioringbuffer.hg: build fix. * gstreamer/src/caps.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/structure.{ccg|hg}: add release() method. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: minors. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::Bus: minor changes * gstreamer/src/bus.{ccg|hg}: minors. * gstreamer/src/gst_docs_override.xml: override some documentation, to avoid pm warnings. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst:Buffer: add missing member getters gstreamer/src/bin.{ccg|hg}: add some getters. tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add missing conversion definition. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseTransform: wrap missing virtual methods * gstreamer/src/basetransform.{ccg|hg}: update basetransform class. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: update vfuncs definitions. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add missing conversion (GstStructure). 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseSrc: update basesrc class * gstreamer/src/basesrc.{ccg|hg}: wrap missing virtual functions. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add vfuncs definitions. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add BaseSrcFlags conversion definition. 2016-05-21 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseSink: update basesink class * gstreamer/src/basesink.{ccg|hg}: add missing functions, remove unnecessary implementation of vfuncs. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add vfunc declarations. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioSrc: minor changes in interface * gstreamer/src/audiosrc.{ccg|hg}: update read() vfunc interface. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioSink: wrap write() vfunc using macro * gstreamer/src/audiosink.{ccg|hg}: fix write() vfunc, fix includes. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: fix write() vfunc declaration. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: cleanup convert_gst.m4 file. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioRingBuffer: minors * gstreamer/src/audioringbuffer.{ccg|hg}: 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioInfo: refactor class * gstreamer/src/audiofilter.hg: remove unnecessary conversion. * gstreamer/src/audioformat.{ccg|hg}: add constructor allowing create AudioFormatInfo object from underlying C structure. * gstreamer/src/audioinfo.{ccg|hg}: wrap AudioInfo as boxed type, add member getters/setters. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add missing conversion. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioFormatInfo: use value instead of pointer to underlying data * gstreamer/src/audioformat.{ccg|hg}: use value instaed of pointer for Gst::AudioFormatInfo class, wrap more properties. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioFilter: don't wrap virtual function manually * gstreamer/src/audiofilter.{ccg|hg}: setup vfunc method can be wrapped using macro, it only requires custom conversion definition. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: fix virtual method definition. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add audioinfo conversion definition. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioClock: wrap missing methods * gstreamer/src/audioclock.{ccg|hg}: wrap reset(), adjust(), get_time() and invalidate() methods. Most of them have to be wrapped manually, because GStreamer use GstClock object as first arugment for this methods. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioBaseSrc: fix header dependencies * gstreamer/src/audiobasesrc.{ccg|hg}: move audioringbuffer include to .cc file. 2016-04-23 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioBaseSink: wrap missing methods * gstreamer/src/audiobasesink.{ccg|hg}: wrap AudioBaseSinkDiscontReason enum, report_device_failure(), set_custom_slaving_callback() methods, payload() virtual function. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add definition of payload() virtual function. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add conversion between newly wrapped enum. 2016-04-22 Marcin Kolny Gst::Allocator: minor improvements * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: slightly change API. * tests/test-allocator.cc: update tests. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: update conversion definitions. 2016-04-15 Marcin Kolny Gst::Sample: increase reference in get_caps() * .gitignore: add generated test executable file to ignore list. * gstreamer/src/sample.{ccg|hg}: fix get_caps(), implement create(). * tests/Makefile.am: * tests/test-sample.cc: add test for Gst::Sample class. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765078 2016-04-15 Marcin Kolny Gst::Allocator: minor updates * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: add missing documentation. 2016-04-11 Marcin Kolny Start working on 1.8 version, update defs, required version 2016-02-15 Marcin Kolny .defs: fix multisocketsing signal * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: apply patch. * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs.patch: replace guint type with GSocket* for first argument in "client-removed" signal. 2015-10-16 Marcin Kolny revert 648b89f5fe715c7c96a5824df999e9f2acb6f220 Actually, initializing plugins doesn't take so much time. Moreover, there is no possibility to cast elements created by ElementFactory class. 2015-10-15 Marcin Kolny tests: fix tests build * tests/Makefile.am: downloaded gtest zip archive wasn't unzipped before compilation, so it's fixed now. 2015-10-15 Marcin Kolny audio: don't use deprecated auto_ptr * gstreamer/src/audiobasesrc.{ccg|hg}: * gstreamer/src/audioclock.hg: * gstreamer/src/audioringbuffer.{ccg|hg}: auto_ptr class has been deprecated since C++11, so we're replacing it with std::unique_ptr. 2015-10-14 Marcin Kolny Gst::Task: update Task wrapper * gstreamer/src/task.{ccg|hg}: add methods set_leave_slot() and set_enter_slot(), replace deprecated auto_ptr with unique_ptr. 2015-09-17 Marcin Kolny Gst::Structure: add methods for getting/setting all datatypes in structure * gstreamer/src/structure.hg: overload methods add_field() and get_field() to be able accept all data types. If data type is not registred as GType, it is done automatically. * tests/test-structure.cc: add tests for new methods. 2015-09-16 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: minor update * gstreamer/src/caps.hg: use new Gst::Structure constructor in create() method. 2015-09-16 Marcin Kolny Gst::Structure: class review * gstreamer/src/structure.{ccg|hg}: update comments, allow to initialize structure with fields. * tests/test-structure.cc: add test which checks constructor with variable arguments. 2015-09-15 Marcin Kolny Gst::Event: wrap ReconfigureEvent class https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=754660 * gstreamer/src/event.hg: 2015-08-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::ElementFactory: update wrapper * gstreamer/src/elementfactory.{ccg|hg}: remove unnecessary handcoded code, fix includes, update documentation. 2015-08-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::Element: minors * gstreamer/src/element.{ccg|hg}: remove handcoded methods, update documentation. * gstreamer/src/gst_extra_objects.defs: add Event to extra-object defs. 2015-08-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::Context: minors * gstreamer/src/context.{ccg|hg}: wrap _new() method using _WRAP_METHOD macro, add Gst::Context documentation. 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Clock: updates * gstreamer/src/clock.{ccg|hg}: update docs, wrap missing functions. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add missing conversion definition. 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::ChildProxy: update docs, wrap missing function * gstreamer/src/check.ccg: remove empty file. * gstreamer/src/childproxy.{ccg|hg}: wrap get_child_by_name() virtual function. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add get_child_by_name() virtual method definition. 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny extra_defs_gen: fix warnings * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_plugin_gmmproc_file.cc: disable deprecations warnings when compare returned GType with G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY (it's deprecated type, but might exists somewhere in gstreamer's plugins). Moreover, add G_TYPE_ARRAY comparision. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_plugin_module_defs_gst.cc: remove unused function parameter. 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny build: fix dist build * Makefile.am: test-foo.h has been renamed a few commits ago, but old name has not been changed in EXTRA_DIST variable. This commit fixes this bug. 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::CapsFeatures: improve construction methods * gstreamer/src/capsfeatures.{ccg|hg}: wrap create_any() and create_from_string() using _WRAP_METHOD macro, use std::initializer_list in constructor. Also comment for Gst::CapsFeatures class has been added. * gstreamer/src/gst_extra_object.defs: add CapsFeatures to extra-objects list. * tests/test-capsfeatures.cc: build fix test. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add conversion definition (GstCapsFeatures* -> Gst::CapsFeatures). 2015-08-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: remove unused template parameter, add one more test * gstreamer/src/caps.hg: anonymous template parameter is unused inside function set_simple() so it has been removed. * tests/test-caps.cc: add test which checks auto-registration custom types on add it to a caps structure. 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: improve set_simple() and create() method * gstreamer/src/caps.{ccg|hg}: use varadic templates for set_simple() and create() methods, so it is possible now to modify or create caps containing a few fields. Moreover, Gst::Caps documentation has been updated. * tests/test-caps.cc: add some tests proving changes introduced in this commit. 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::Allocator: build fix * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add allocator conversion methods. 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::BufferList: wrap missing functions * gstreamer/src/bufferlist.{ccg|hg}: wrap following functions: gst_buffer_list_{length|copy|copy_deep}(). 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::Buffer: wrap new methods, polish code * gstreamer/src/buffer.{ccg|hg}: wrap gst_buffer_{copy_deep| is_all_memory_writable}(), remove unused includes. * gstreamer/src/gst_extra_objects.def: add GstBuffer to extra-object file. 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::Bin: wrap missing methods * gstreamer/src/buffer.{ccg|hg}: wrap gst_bin_sync_children_states method, minor improvement (C++11). 2015-08-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::Allocator: wrap methods using gtkmmproc macros * gstreamer/src/allocator.{ccg|hg}: make register_allocator static method, wrap gst_allocator_find using _WRAP_METHOD macro. 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny a few minors * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: ignore some methods. * gstreamer/src/audiobasesink.ccg: fix include directives. * gstreamer/src/gst_extra_objects.defs: add videoframe class to extra-objects list. * gstreamer/src/urihandler.hg: wrap_vfunc macro call fix. * gstreamer/src/videochroma.hg: move wrap_method macro call into a class definition. 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny Gst::Registry: update .hg file * gstreamer/src/registry.hg: wrap new method check_feature-version(), ignore non-existing methods. 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny fix gtkmmproc warnings * gstreamer/src/discovererinfo.hg: * gstreamer/src/element.hg: * gstreamer/src/object.hg: * gstreamer/src/pad.hg: * gstreamer/src/plugin.hg: * gstreamer/src/pluginfeature.hg: * gstreamer/src/registry.hg: * gstreamer/src/taglist.hg: * gstreamer/src/task.hg: * gstreamer/src/urihandler.hg: remove entries which don't exist in .defs files. 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny .defs: update defs * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_docs.xml: * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_enums.defs: * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_methods.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_docs.xml: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_methods.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: regenerate defs using gstreamer's current master branch. 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny Gst::Pad: change type of query in SlotQuery to non-const reference * gstreamer/src/pad.hg: non-const reference allow user to casting between queries without increasing reference (see previous commit). 2015-08-25 Marcin Kolny tests: add one more test for Gst::Query class * tests/test-query.cc: some setters in query class must be called with writable object. New test checks, if casting between query types without loosing writability is possible, and shows, how to do it, if someone needs it. 2015-08-24 Marcin Kolny examples: update media_player_gtkmm example, minors * examples/audio_video_muxer/main.cc: fix indentations. * examples/media_player_gtkmm/main.cc: * examples/media_player_gtkmm/player_window.{cc|h}: fix gtk warnings, display video inside gtk window, minors. * tests/test-bin.cc: fix indentations. 2015-08-24 Marcin Kolny C++11: restore some overload methods Sometimes it might be convinient to have valid object after function call, so I restored some methods, which has been replaced by methods with r-value arguments. * gstreamer/src/bufferlist.ccg: * gstreamer/src/bufferlist.hg: * gstreamer/src/element.ccg: * gstreamer/src/element.hg: * gstreamer/src/pad.ccg: * gstreamer/src/pad.hg: * gstreamer/src/registry.ccg: * gstreamer/src/registry.hg: restore some methods with const reference arguments. 2015-08-22 Marcin Kolny tests: fix indentatinos * tests/main.cc: * tests/plugins/derivedfromappsink.h: * tests/plugins/derivedfromappsrc.h: * tests/plugins/derivedfrombasetransform.h: * tests/plugins/foo.h: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-appsink.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-appsrc.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfromappsink.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfromappsrc.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfrombasetransform.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-pushsrc.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-register.cc: * tests/regression/pluginbin.h: * tests/regression/test-regression-bininpipeline.cc: * tests/regression/test-regression-binplugin.cc: * tests/regression/test-regression-rewritefile.cc: * tests/regression/test-regression-seekonstartup.cc: * tests/regression/test-regression-videoduration.cc: * tests/regression/utils.cc: * tests/test-allocator.cc: * tests/test-atomicqueue.cc: * tests/test-buffer.cc: * tests/test-bus.cc: * tests/test-caps.cc: * tests/test-capsfeatures.cc: * tests/test-ghostpad.cc: * tests/test-pad.cc: * tests/test-query.cc: * tests/test-structure.cc: * tests/test-taglist.cc: * tests/test-urihandler.cc: use the same indentations in test files. 2015-08-22 Marcin Kolny C++11: use rvalue references for transfer-full method parameters - part 2 This commit breaks the API. But version 1.6 of gstreamermm enables C++11 flag in compilers, so it's good time to change API slightly. Since version 1.6 gstreamermm's API will be marked as 'stable'. * .gitignore: update ignore list. * gstreamer/src/bufferlist.hg: * gstreamer/src/clock.hg: * gstreamer/src/element.ccg: * gstreamer/src/element.hg: * gstreamer/src/registry.hg: update some method interfaces. * tests/Makefile.am: * tests/test-bufferlist.cc: add test for bufferlist class. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add some conversion definitions. 2015-08-22 Marcin Kolny C++11: use rvalue references for transfer-full function parameters This commit breaks the API. But version 1.6 of gstreamermm enables C++11 flag in compilers, so it's good time to change API slightly. Since version 1.6 gstreamermm's API will be marked as 'stable'. * gstreamer/src/allocator.ccg: * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: * gstreamer/src/buffer.ccg: * gstreamer/src/buffer.hg: * gstreamer/src/bus.ccg: * gstreamer/src/bus.hg: * gstreamer/src/caps.ccg: * gstreamer/src/caps.hg: * gstreamer/src/pad.ccg: * gstreamer/src/pad.hg: use rvalues for some function parameters. * tests/plugins/foo.h: * tests/regression/test-regression-seekonstartup.cc: * tests/test-allocator.cc: * tests/test-buffer.cc: * tests/test-bus.cc: * tests/test-caps.cc: * tests/test-pad.cc: update tests. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add rvalues conversion definitions. 2015-08-20 Marcin Kolny build: fix 'configure' warnings * configure.ac: add subdir-objects parameter, minors. * examples/Makefile.am: conditionally set _SOURCES and _LDADD of optional examples. 2015-08-08 Michał Wróbel Gst::Element: fix refcounting in post_message() https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=752790 * .gitignore: add test-element output file to ignored list. * gstreamer/src/element.hg: fix refcounting post_message() by changing its argument type to rvalue reference which will make the wrapper use transfer full convention. * gstreamer/src/pad.ccg: provide an rvalue to post_message(). * tests/Makefile.am: * tests/test-element.cc: add PostMessageShouldProperlyRefcountGivenMessage. 2015-08-08 Marcin Kolny convert: add one more GstMessage conversion * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add conversion definition from Gst::Message rvalue reference refptr to GstMessage pointer. 2015-08-08 Marcin Kolny tests: fix signed-compare error * gstreamer/gstreamermm/register.h: * tests/test-allocator.cc: * tests/test-atomicqueue.cc: * tests/test-bin.cc: * tests/test-buffer.cc: * tests/test-capsfeatures.cc: * tests/test-init.cc: some constant values had to be replaced with 'unsigned' literals. 2015-08-07 Marcin Kolny C++11: use nullptr * gstreamer/gstreamermm/atomicqueue.h: * gstreamer/gstreamermm/init.cc: * gstreamer/gstreamermm/register.h: * gstreamer/src/allocator.ccg: * gstreamer/src/audioringbuffer.ccg: * gstreamer/src/basesink.ccg: * gstreamer/src/buffer.ccg: * gstreamer/src/bufferlist.ccg: * gstreamer/src/caps.ccg: * gstreamer/src/capsfeatures.ccg: * gstreamer/src/childproxy.ccg: * gstreamer/src/clock.ccg: * gstreamer/src/discovererinfo.ccg: * gstreamer/src/element.ccg: * gstreamer/src/event.ccg: * gstreamer/src/iterator.hg: * gstreamer/src/message.ccg: * gstreamer/src/miniobject.ccg: * gstreamer/src/mixer.ccg: * gstreamer/src/pad.ccg: * gstreamer/src/parse.ccg: * gstreamer/src/preset.ccg: * gstreamer/src/query.ccg: * gstreamer/src/structure.ccg: * gstreamer/src/taglist.ccg: * gstreamer/src/typefind.ccg: * gstreamer/src/urihandler.ccg: replace 'NULL' and '0' with nullptr where possible. 2015-08-07 Marcin Kolny build: use MM_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 macro from mm-common. * build/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4: remove unused file. * configure.ac: use macro from mm-common module. 2015-08-07 Michał Wróbel Prefix TagList with Gst:: namespace https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=752728 * gstreamer/src/discovererinfo.hg: prefix TagList with Gst::. 2015-07-31 Marcin Kolny tests: download gtest sources from its website Quote from bug report: > According to Google Test FAQ [1], linking with pre-compiled gtest is no > longer recommended. Autoconf script bundled with gtest [2] is considered > deprecated and thus system package maintainers use it as an excuse to make > it unusable (at least Ubuntu 14.04 does so - they don't provide a proper > gtest-config file). https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=750602 * .gitignore: add downloaded files to ignore list. * configure.ac: add --disable-unittests flag to configuration script. * tests/Makefile.am: add gtest sources to test builds. 2015-07-31 Marcin Kolny .defs: fix enum's patch * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs.patch: add missing replacements, apply new patch to gst_enums.defs. 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny plugins: wrap almost all base and core plugins * .gitignore: add autogenerated files to ignore list * configure.ac: update plugins list, increase required gstreamer version. * gstreamer/src/encodingprofile.{ccg|hg}: wrap GstEncodingProfile structure. * gstreamer/src/enums.{ccg|hg}: add some enums shared with multiple plugins. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add new files to a build. * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs.patch: handwrite some enums. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_plugin_gmmproc_file.cc: minor. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: * tools/plugingen_gstreamermm.m4: add some enum conversions. 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny gstreamermm-plugins-bad: use Gst::Bad namespace for plugins-bad module * configure.ac: gstreamermm requires newest version of glibmm module, because of improvements in generate_wrap_init.pl script. * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/wrap_init.h: use Gst::Bad namespace for wrap_init function. * gst-plugins-bad/src/Makefile.am: use Gst::Bad namespace as a global namespace in plugins-bad module. * gst-plugins-bad/src/glbasefilter.hg: * gst-plugins-bad/src/glfilter.hg: remove _GMMPROC_EXTRA_NAMESPACE macro (it's not necessary anymore). 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny extra_defs_gen: add application for generating plugins defs * .gitignore: add binary file to ignored list * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs.patch: regenerate defs files. * tools/Makefile.am: add new application to a build. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_defs_gst.cc: remove generating plugins definitions from generate_defs_gst application. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_plugin_module_defs_gst.cc: add source of application generating plugins definitions. * tools/extra_defs_gen/get_plugin_defs.{cc|h}: remove unused library. * tools/gen_scripts/generate_extra_defs.sh: update script generator. 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny extra_defs_gen: add missing core/base-plugins * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: regenerate defs. * tools/extra_defs_gen/generate_defs_gst.cc: add elements: concat, downloadbuffer, encodebin, multisocketsink, playsink, socketsrc, streamsynchronizer. Remove elements: gnomevfssink, gnomevfssrc. 2015-07-29 Marcin Kolny build: autogenerate gstreamermm-plugins-bad.h header * .gitignore: add autogenerated file to ignore list * Makefile.am: conditionally add gstreamermm-plugins-bad.h file to installed headers list. * build/gstreamermm.m4: share info about enabled modules with preprocessor. * configure.ac: gstreamermm-plugins-bad.h as config header file. * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm/plugins-bad.h.in: add input header file for gstreamermm-plugins-bad module. 2015-07-29 Marcin Kolny build: make wrap plugins more convenient * .gitignore: add autogenerated file with plugins to ignore list * autogen.sh: create plugins file before autoreconf (if doesn't exist). * build/gstreamermm.m4: add macro for generating plugins .am file. * configure.ac: split plugins definitions to "core" and "base". Move plugins existence verification to .m4 file. * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/Makefile.am: add gstreamer's CFLAGS to plugins-bad's cppflags. * gstreamer/gstreamermm/Makefile.am: include autogenerated file with plugins list. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: remove plugin_hg variable. This variable is autogenerated now. * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: add missing enum's definition. 2015-07-24 Marcin Kolny build: add missing dependencies * build/gstreamermm.m4: remove ununecessary 'v' letter before version number. * configure.ac: add gstreamer-{allocators|rtsp}-1.0 dependencies. 2015-07-24 Marcin Kolny GLFilter: build fix * gst-plugins-bad/src/glfilter.hg: conversion methods required add Gst:: namespace. 2015-07-24 Marcin Kolny build: fix compile flags * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/Makefile.am: add libgstreamermm dependency. 2015-07-23 Michał Wróbel Uniformly prefix types with Gst:: namespace In contrary to C++ compiler, gmmproc doesn't look at type declarations and doesn't analyze the current namespace. Therefore despite having the code wrapped in a Gst namespace, gmmproc sees Class and Gst::Class as different types. This makes it easy for gstreamermm developer to make a mistake which causes gmmproc fail to find proper type conversions even though they seem to be defined. To avoid mistakes like this it is best to keep uniformity by explicitly using Gst:: namespace either everywhere or nowhere. This patch provides the uniformity by applying explicit Gst:: usage. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=752728 * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: prefix AllocationParams with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/audioringbuffer.hg: prefix ClockTime with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: prefix ClockTime, ClockTimeDiff, ClockReturn and FlowReturn with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/basesrc.hg: prefix ClockTime with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/basetransform.hg: prefix ClockTime and ClockTimeDiff with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/clock.hg: prefix ClockTime and ClockTimeDiff with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/colorbalance.hg: prefix ColorBalanceChannel with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/discoverer.hg: prefix DiscovererInfo with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/discovererinfo.hg: prefix DiscovererStreamInfo with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/event.hg: prefix ClockTime and ClockTimeDiff with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/message.hg: prefix ClockTime with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/object.hg: prefix Object with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/taglist.hg: prefix TagFlg with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/urihandler.hg: prefix URIType with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/videoframe.hg: prefix VideoInfo and VideoFrame with Gst::. * gstreamer/src/videoinfo.hg: prefix VideoInfo with Gst::. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: prefix AllocationParams, ClockTime, ClockTimeDiff, ColorBalanceChannel, DiscovererInfo, DiscovererStreamInfo, MiniObject, Object, QueryType, TagFlag, URIType, VideoInfo, VideoFrame with Gst::. 2015-07-23 Michał Wróbel Gst::BaseTransform: fix missing type conversion https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=752723 * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: define conversion from GstBuffer* to const Glib::RefPtr&. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny build: change install dir for gstreamermm-plugins-bad headers * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad.pc.in: * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/Makefile.am: change install headers directory to ${includedir}/gstreamermm-${GSTREAMERMM_API_VERSION}. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny build: fix *.pc files * gst-plugins-bad/gstsreamermm-plguins-bad-uninstalled.pc.in: * gst-plugins-bad/gstsreamermm-plguins-bad.pc.in: update modules. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny .defs: add vfuncs def to gst-plugins-bad * gst-plugins-bad/src/filelist.am: add vfunc def file to build filelist. * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst.defs: add vfunc def file. * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add gl* virtual methods definitions. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: remove gl* virtual methods, definitions, move them to gst-plugins-bad directory. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gen_scripts: add gst-plugins-bad to gen_scripts * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_docs.xml: * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_enums.defs: * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst_methods.defs: add gst-plugins-bad defs files. * gstreamer/src/gst_docs.xml: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs.patch: * gstreamer/src/gst_methods.defs: update gstreamer and gst-plugins-base defs files. * tools/gen_scripts/generate_docs.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/generate_enums.sh: * tools/gen_scripts/generate_methods.sh: add to gen-scripts generatign gst-plugins-bad definitions. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny examples: enable opengl example * examples/Makefile.am: add gstreamermm-plugins-bad dependency, minor improvements. * examples/opengl_filter/sample_gl_filter.h: fix namespaces, includes. 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny build: add requirements depends on enabled modules * Makefile.am: don't build plugins-bad if this module is not enabled. * build/gstreamermm.m4: add macro ADD_MODULE_CONDITIONALLY. * configure.ac: generate GSTREAMERMM_PLUGINS_BAD_MODULES depends on enabled modules. 2015-07-21 Marcin Kolny build: improve configuration scripts * build/gstreamermm.m4: add dependency conditions parameter to FIND_GST_MODULE macro. * configure.ac: define gl dependency * gst-plugins-bad/src/filelist.am: * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: clean up 2015-07-21 Marcin Kolny gstreamermm-plugins-bad: create build infrastructure for gst-plugins-bad * .gitignore * Makefile.am * configure.ac * examples/Makefile.am * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad-uninstalled.pc.in * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad.pc.in * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/Makefile.am * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/filelist.am * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/private/.gitignore * gst-plugins-bad/gstreamermm-plugins-bad/wrap_init.h * gst-plugins-bad/src/Makefile.am * gst-plugins-bad/src/filelist.am * gstreamer/src/glbasefilter.ccg -> gst-plugins-bad/src/glbasefilter.ccg * gstreamer/src/glbasefilter.hg -> gst-plugins-bad/src/glbasefilter.hg * gstreamer/src/glfilter.ccg -> gst-plugins-bad/src/glfilter.ccg * gstreamer/src/glfilter.hg -> gst-plugins-bad/src/glfilter.hg * gst-plugins-bad/src/gst.defs * gstreamer/src/filelist.am 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny build: add macro for finding gstreamer modules * build/gstreamermm.m4: add file with m4 build macros (FIND_GST_MODULE). * configure.ac: use new macro in configure script. * examples/Makefile.am: * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: update variable name. 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny build: build gl libraries conditionally * configure.ac: check whether gstreamer-gl exists, add --disable-gl, flag, print build info after configuration. * examples/Makefile.am: build gl_examples conditionally. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add gl* wrappers only if gstreamer-gl is enabled. 2015-07-16 Marcin Kolny Gst::GLBaseFilter, Gst::GLFilter: fix gl wrappers * examples/Makefile.am: * examples/opengl_filter/main.cc: * examples/opengl_filter/sample_gl_filter.h: add example for GLFilter class. * gstreamer/src/glbasefilter.hg: fix gl_start virtual method (this method should return true, if implementation doesn't exist). * gstreamer/src/glfilter.{ccg|hg}: wrap few more methods. 2015-07-16 Marcin Kolny configure.ac: enable gstreamer-gl-1.0 libs * configure.ac: add gstreamer-gl-1.0 library dependency. 2015-07-13 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseTransform: fix transform_vfunc method * gstreamer/src/basetransform.{ccg|hg}: transform_vfunc_callback increases buffer refcount before passing it to transform_vfunc, but some transform* methods require writable buffer. transform_vfunc_callback has to be handcrafted, because refcount managment isn't trivial in this case. It should be done by using std::move and RefPtr move constructor. 2015-07-13 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseTransform: fix transform_vfunc method * gstreamer/src/basetransform.{ccg|hg}: transform_vfunc_callback increases buffer refcount before passing it to transform_vfunc, but some transform* methods require writable buffer. transform_vfunc_callback has to be handcrafted, because refcount managment isn't trivial in this case. It should be done by using std::move and RefPtr move constructor. 2015-07-13 Marcin Kolny tools: update wrapped enums list * tools/m4/plugingen_gstreamermm.m4: update already wrapped enums, add some necessary translations. 2015-07-13 Marcin Kolny Require C++11. configure.ac: Use AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 to check for compiler support for C++11 and use it (--std=c++11 for current versions of g++). Among other reasons, this is because glibmm now requires C++11, and its gmmrpoc generates C++11 code. 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny tools: update wrapped enums list * tools/m4/plugingen_gstreamermm.m4: update already wrapped enums, add some necessary translations. 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny Require C++11. configure.ac: Use AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11 to check for compiler support for C++11 and use it (--std=c++11 for current versions of g++). Among other reasons, this is because glibmm now requires C++11, and its gmmrpoc generates C++11 code. 2015-07-08 Marcin Kolny Gst::GLBaseFilter, Gst::GLFilter: wrap some classes from gst-plugins-bad * .gitignore: add autogenerated files to ignore list. * gstreamer/src/glbasefilter.{ccg|hg}: add glbasefilter wrapper. * gstreamer/src/glfilter.{ccg|hg}: add glfilter wrapper. * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: * gstreamer/src/basesrc.hg: * gstreamer/src/basetransform.hg: remove in-place conversions (move to convert_gst.m4 file). * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add glbasefilter and glfilter to a build. * gstreamer/src/gst_vfuncs.defs: add virtual functions definitions from glbasefilter and glfilter classes. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: move Buffer conversion from .hg files. 2015-07-08 Marcin Kolny defs: update generator scripts, defs * gstreamer/src/gst_{enums|methods}.defs: * tools/gen_scripts/generate_{enums|methods}.sh: generate enums and methods defs from gst-plugins-bad. 2015-07-07 Marcin Kolny Gst::VideoFrame: add GstVideoFrame wrapper * .gitignore: add videoframe autogenerated files to ignore list. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add videoframe to build. * gstreamer/src/videoframe.{ccg|hg}: add gstvideoframe wrapper. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add a few necessary convert definitions. 2015-07-07 Marcin Kolny Gst::VideoInfo: wrap VideoInfo as _CLASS_GENERIC GstVideoInfo object usually is static allocated, and boxedtype can store only dynamic allocated structures. * gstreamer/src/videoinfo.{ccg|hg}: add custom constructors, destructor, operator= in VideoInfo class. 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny Gst::VideoChroma: wrap video-chroma module * .gitignore: add autogenerated files to ignore list. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add videochroma file to build list. * gstreamer/src/videochroma.{ccg|hg}: add videochroma wrapper. * gstreamer/src/videoinfo.hg: add chroma_site parameter accessors. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add VideoChromaSite enum conversion definition. 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny Gst::VideoInfo: wrap videoinfo structure * .gitignore: add autogenerated files to ignore list. * gstreamer/src/filelist.am: add videoformat and videoinfo entries. * gstreamer/src/videoformat.{ccg|hg}: add videoformat wrapper. * gstreamer/src/videoinfo.{ccg|hg}: add videoinfo wrapper. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add conversion of some enums. 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny defs: regenerate defs files * gstreamer/src/gst_docs.xml: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs.patch: * gstreamer/src/gst_methods.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: regenerate defs using gstreamer's current master branch. 2015-07-06 Michał Wróbel Gst::Caps: move inline _CONVERSION definitions to convert_gst.m4 * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: * gstreamer/src/basesrc.hg: * gstreamer/src/basetransform.hg: remove inline _CONVERSION definitions. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: add _CONVERSION definitions globally. 2015-06-29 Marcin Kolny .gitignore: update ignore file list * .gitignore: add to ignore list executable files of recently added tests. 2015-06-29 Marcin Kolny Gst::Pad: fix ref leak (bgo#751504) * gstreamer/src/pad.{ccg|hg}: fix ref leak in get_pad_template_caps method, add non-const version of this method. * tests/test-pad.cc: add tests for get_pad_template_caps method. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Tests: improve and re-enable RegisterPluginTest tests * tests/plugins/test-plugin-register.cc: enable plugin tests, add more asserts. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Gst::Allocator: fix ref of alloc() return value This is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751601 in progress. * gstreamer/src/allocator.hg: fix virtual method alloc_vfunc. * tests/test-allocator.cc: add a few tests for Allocator class. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Gst::BaseSink: fix refs of basesink's virtual methods return values This is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751601 in progress. * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: fix virtual methods: get_caps_vfunc and fixate_vfunc. * tests/Makefile.am: * tests/plugins/derivedfromappsink.h * tests/plugins/test-plugin-appsink.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfromappsink.cc: add some test for appsink class. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Gst::BaseSink: use macros for wrapping some virtual methods. * gstreamer/src/basesink.ccg: * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: use _VRAP_VFUNC macro with return_value parameter for generating event_vfunc and set_caps_vfunc methods instead of handcrafted code. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Gst::BaseSrc: fix refs of {get_caps,fixate}() return values This is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751601 in progress. * gstreamer/src/basesrc.ccg: initialize pointer. * gstreamer/src/basesrc.hg: fix virtual methods: get_caps and fixate. * tests/Makefile.am: add appsrc test to a build. * tests/plugins/derivedfromappsrc.h: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-appsrc.cc: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfromappsrc.cc: add a few appsrc tests. The patch includes unit tests which should fail if the fixes done in gstreamer/src/basesrc.{ccg,hg} are not applied. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Gst::BaseTransform: fix refs of {fixate,transform}_caps() return values This is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751601 in progress. * gstreamer/src/basetransform.hg: fix virtual methods transform_caps and fixate_caps. * tests/Makefile.am: add basetransform test to a build. * tests/plugins/derivedfrombasetransform.h: * tests/plugins/test-plugin-derivedfrombasetransform.cc: add basetransformunit tests which should fail if the fix done in gstreamer/src/basetransform.hg is not applied. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Tests: clean-ups in tests/*/*.h * tests/plugins/foo.h: * tests/plugins/test-foo.h: rename test-foo.h to foo.h: - test-foo.h doesn't define any test, only the foo plugin, - to be consistent with tests/regression/pluginbin.h. * tests/plugins/test-plugin-register.cc: update include to foo.h. * tests/regression/pluginbin.h: * tests/regression/utils.h: uniform #include guard name template. 2015-06-29 Michał Wróbel Tests: tests/Makefile.am clean-ups * tests/Makefile.am: changes to increase readibility and ease adding new tests: - alphabetical sorting, - one entry per line, - alignment of common parts of definitions, - spaces instead of tabs (so that the alignment is good independently of tab stops). 2015-06-08 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: increase refcount in *_Boxed wrapper on getting value * gstreamer/src/caps.{ccg|hg}: increase refcount in get() method. * tests/test-caps.cc: add test. 2015-04-27 Marcin Kolny .gitignore: ignore doxygen autogenerated file .gitignore: ignore file containing doxygen css styles. 2015-02-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::Memory: wrap unwrapped methods * .gitignore: add test bin files to ignored list. * gstreamer/src/gst_extra_objects.defs: add definition of GstMemory object to a *.defs file. * gstreamer/src/mapinfo.hg: remove unnecessary header. * gstreamer/src/memory.{ccg|hg}: wrap methods: gst_memory_{is_type| share|resize|is_span|map|unmap|copy|init|get_sizes|make_mapped}. * tests/Makefile.am: add memory test to makefile. * tests/test-memory.cc: simple memory testcase. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: define additional conversions for allocator and memory classes. 2015-02-28 Marcin Kolny Gst::Message: wrap missing Message classes * gstreamer/src/message.{ccg|hg}: wrap method MessageDurationChanged, MessageQos, MessageStreamStart, MessageHaveContext, MessageNeedContext, MessageResetTime, MessageToc, MessageProgress. Fix *_create methods in existing classes(don't take copy on creating new message). * tests/Makefile.am: add message test to a build. * tests/regression/test-regression-seekonstartup.cc: * tests/test-bus.cc: apply interface changes in tests. * tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: convert ProgressType enum. 2015-02-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Bus: fix post method * gstreamer/src/bus.{ccg|hg}: post method takes message argument, which is fully transfered to this method. User should be able to pass object with refcount equals 1, so message RefPtr is reseting inside this method. To access to object even after post method call, new RefPtr object should be created. E.g.: RefPtr msg = MessageEos::create(RefPtr()); RefPtr msg2 = msg; bus->post(msg); msg2->get_refcount(); // still have access to msg gobj through // msg2 RefPtr. Refcount equals 1 2015-02-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Structure: minor improvements * gstreamer/src/structure.{ccg|hg}: wrap gst_structure_get_int64, remove gst_structure_get_clock_time and replace it by gst_structure_get_uint64, which can be used to acquire ClockTime too. * gstreamer/src/caps.hg: restore gst_caps_new_any() method. 2015-02-27 Marcin Kolny Gst::Caps: wrap unwrapped methods from gstreamer 1.4 * gstreamer/src/bus.hg: minor, add method to ignored. * gstreamer/src/caps.{ccg|hg}: wrap methods: gst_caps_{fixate| is_strictly_equal|copy|is_subset_structure| is_subset_structure_full}. New methods (added in v1.6) will be wrapped soon. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseTransform: wrap BaseTransform methods * gstreamer/src/basetransform.{ccg|hg}: wrap methods: gst_base-transform_{reconfigure_sink|reconfigure_src| set_prefered_passthrough|get_allocator). One method left to wrap - gst_base_transform_get_buffer_pool - because GstBufferPool is not wrapped yet. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseSrc: wrap almost all missing methods from BaseSrc * gstreamer/src/basesrc.{ccg|hg}: wrapp following methods: gst_base_src_{set_caps|start_wait|set_dynamic_size|set_async| is_async|start_complete|set_automatic_eos|get_allocator). One more method left(gst_base_src_get_buffer_pool), but GstBufferPool struct is not wrapped yet. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::BaseSink: wrap methods and properties from BaseSink class * gstreamer/src/basesink.hg: wrap properties: last-sample, enable-last-sample, max-bitrate, and methods: gst_base_sink_get_last_sample, gst_base_sink_{get|set}_max_bitrate, gst_base_sink_{set|is}_last_sample_enabled. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny Gst::AudioBaseSink: wrapp missing methods * gstreamer/src/audiobasesink.hg: implement wrapper method for gst_audio_base_sink_{set|get}_alignment_threshold, gst_audio_base_sink_{set|get}_discont_wait. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny Tests: replace plugins from gst-plugins-good by core plugins Minimum requirement to build gstreamermm in maintainer mode is gstreamer and gst-plugins-base. So plugins from other packages can't be used in tests. Moreover, core plugins are sufficient for tests. * tests/regression/test-regression-bininpipeline.cc: replace jpg codecs with queues. * tests/regression/test-regression-binplugin.cc: jpg encoder is replaced with queue. * tests/regression/test-regression-seekonstartup.cc: replace autovideosink with ximagesink plugin. * tests/test-caps.cc: use capsfilter instead of multifilesrc. 2015-02-26 Marcin Kolny defs: regenerate defs files * gstreamer/src/gst_docs.xml: * gstreamer/src/gst_enums.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_methods.defs: * gstreamer/src/gst_signals.defs: generate defs files for gstreamer's master branch. * tools/gen_scripts/generate_docs.sh: remove non-existing directories, add missing dirs. 2015-02-24 Marcin Kolny Release 1.4.3 * NEWS: * configure.ac: prepare for a new release.